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  • Curious Convergence Suggesting a Near Rapture Event

    Many current developments are pointing to a possible near Rapture event. The discussion below details the key considerations in this regard and notes exclamation points on the years 2025 and 2032.  Throughout history, certain events, such as World War II, September 11, and COVID-19 have prompted people to give particular consideration to the possibility of the arrival of the important “last days” (Acts 2:17, 2 Peter 3:3-7) events of the Rapture and the “ Great Tribulation ” (Matthew 24:21). However, at no time in history have significant and prophetic events converged to the extent that we have experienced in the last few years—prompting many to consider the distinct possibility that the Great Tribulation is very near (along with the Rapture,  which is anticipated by many to occur prior to the start of the Great Tribulation ).    We note below some of the considerations that curiously converge—pointing to a possible near-term Rapture, and we also highlight the uncanny connections to the years 2032 and 2025. While we are not picking a date here, we are noting interesting facts and perhaps hoping, like the Magi, that because we observe a convergence, we might perhaps see a near term opportunity to worship Jesus in person (Matthew 2:1-2).    1. The Timeline Suggested by the Millennial Day Theory . The Millennial Day Theory suggests that because (a) there were 6 days of creation followed by a sabbath day of rest (Genesis 2:2), and (b) 1 day is like 1,000 years and 1,000 years is like 1 day to God (Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8), perhaps from the foundation of the world God ordained a 7,000-year period for humanity on the earth to match the 7-day week that He designed at creation (i.e., the 6 days of creation activity followed by 1 sabbath day of rest).   If the Millennial Day Theory were true, then the final 1,000 years of mankind's time on the earth would equate to the  Millennial Reign of Christ , which would effectively be the sabbath time of rest and peace for the earth that would follow the 6,000 years of human history. This of course raises the question: “How close are we to the completion of 6,000 years of the history of mankind on the earth?”  When we know approximately the time during which the Second Coming and Millennial Reign of Christ will be, we can, based on the Millennial Day Theory, also estimate the approximate time of the Rapture—because we estimate the Rapture event to occur 7 years prior to the Second Coming of Christ.  Examining calendars can assist us in this regard. Note the considerations applicable to key calendars below.   A. Hebrew Calendar . The current year on the Hebrew calendar (based on the Seder Olam Rabbah ) is 5784—suggesting that we still have approximately 216 years to go before the completion of 6,000 years. However, the Seder Olam Rabbah calendar appears to have a few patent errors. To sidestep some of the errors, we can find a common benchmark on the Hebrew calendar and match it against the Gregorian calendar. A perfect benchmark for this purpose is the destruction of the first temple. The Seder Olam Rabbah indicates that the Babylonians destroyed the first temple in year 3338 on the Hebrew calendar.  Now, we know that, on the Gregorian calendar, the first temple was destroyed in June/July of either 586 BC or 587 BC . Using, for example, 586 BC as the starting point, we can better compare the current dates of the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars.    i. Thus, if we add 586 years to get to get from the year of the destruction of the first temple to year 1 AD on the Gregorian calendar and add 2023 years to get from 1 AD to the current year of 2024, we have a total of 2,609 years.    ii. If we then add 2,609 years to year 3338 (i.e., the Hebrew calendar year for the destruction of the first temple), we get the new calculated year of 5947 (not 5784). The year 5947 is, of course, substantially closer to year 6,000 than 5784 (the current year on the Hebrew calendar).   iii. Also, there is another error to fix in the Hebrew calendar regarding the age of Abraham.      a. The Seder Olam Rabbah calculates 70 years between the birth of Abraham and the birth of his father Terah—likely based on Genesis 11:26—assuming that Abraham was Terah’s first son.    b. However, considering the following 3 scriptures—    1. Genesis 11:32 – Terah died at age 205.    2. Genesis 12:4 – Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran.    3. Acts 7:4 (which the Seder Olam Rabbah would never consider) – Abraham waited until the death of his father before he left Haran.    we readily see that if Abram left Haran when he was 75, and his father Terah died at 205, then Terah had to be 130 years old when he had Abraham—not 70 years old.  This means the Seder Olam Rabbah should add another 60 years to its Hebrew calendar.  If we do that, today’s year would be 6007  (i.e., 5947 + 60 = 6007).    B. James Ussher Calendar . James Ussher, the archbishop of the Church of Ireland from 1625-1656 , using a methodology comparable to that the Seder Olam Rabbah, calculated the creation of the earth to be October 23, 4004 BC.  Using his calendar, we come up with another interesting date:    i. If we start with year 4004 BC and add all of the years after the hypothetical year 0, (i.e., 2024 years), we end up at year 6028.   ii. If we then subtract 1 year for the BC-AD conversion, we end up at the year 6027.   C. Calendar Comparison . Thus, under both the Hebrew calendar and the James Ussher calendar, we can see that it appears we have crossed the 6,000-year mark. This is why some scholars are now suggesting that the plan of God for the earth is based not on the date of creation, but rather on the date that Adam and Eve sinned .  And this idea is compelling, since the Garden of Eden represented perfection, and the perfection crashed when Adam and Eve sinned; the elimination of the perfection prompted the need for a plan of redemption—so that mankind could be restored to the original perfection.  But we have no way of knowing the date on which Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. From the perspective of our desire to see the Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Christ, we are of course hoping that they sinned right away.  But … we do not know.    There is also a possibility of another miscalculation by both the Seder Olam Rabbah and Ussher. Notwithstanding any additional calculation errors, however, we know that we are very close in time to the completion of 6,000 years and therefore the start of the final 1,000 years--assuming that the Millennial Day Theory holds true.    D. A More Current Date Marker . We also have a re-start marker for the calculation when considering the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.    i. Hosea 6:2 suggests that 2 days (i.e., 2,000 years) after the death, burial resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ (which would be approximately 6,000 years since the creation of the earth, which James Ussher approximates to be 4004 BC ), we will be revived (raptured?) and that we would be raised up (the Millennial Reign of Christ or transport to New Heaven and New Earth?) on the 3rd day.    ii. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ appear to have occurred in 32 AD:    a. We know that John the Baptist started his ministry between 9/17/28 and 9/17/29.      * Luke 3:1-3 – 15th year of Tiberius Ceasar.    * Tiberius Ceasar started his reign on 9/17/14 .  * 14 AD + 15 years = 29 AD.   b. Jesus was likely baptized sometime between June and September of 29 AD--close to the start of John the Baptist's ministry. Notably, water temperatures in the Jordan River appear to be most comfortable during that time.     c. There are 3 recorded Passovers during Jesus’ ministry following His baptism:    * John 2:13 (30 AD)    * John 6:4 (31 AD)    * John 11:55 (and John 12:1, 13:1, 18:28, 18:39, 19:14) (32 AD)    d. The last Passover marks the time of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension—which would be 32 AD.    These considerations collectively suggest the year 2032 as being 2000 years after the death, burial and resurrection of Christ—hinting, according to Hosea 6:2 in relation to the Millennial Day Theory, at a significant event such as the Second Coming of Christ occurring in the year 2032 (i.e., returning "after 2 days" or, stated differently, 2 days after He departed--consistently with Hosea 6:2).    iii. We have a further parallel in the story of Jesus and Lazarus (John 11). Jesus waited 2 days before leaving and returning to resurrect Lazarus (John 11:6). Thus, Jesus was deliberately absent for 2 days, and upon His return there was a resurrection. Again, considering the Millennial Day Theory, it would appear that the 2 days would represent 2,000 years--followed by Jesus returning and saying to us the same thing that He said to Lazarus: "Come forth!" (John 11:43; see also Revelation 4:1, 11:12). iv. Considering further the prophecy of the angel, Gabriel, to Daniel, as recorded in Daniel 9:24-27 that a final 7-year period has been ordained for the Jews and Jerusalem (see the next point below), it would appear that the church would have to be raptured from the earth 7 years prior to that date. Of course, 7 years prior to 2032 is 2025 .      2. Daniel’s 70th Week   – The angel, Gabriel, gave the prophet, Daniel, a highly unique prophecy, indicating that 70 periods of 7 years (i.e., 490 years) are distinctly prophesied regarding the descendants of Jacob and the city of Jerusalem (Daniel 9:24-27).  Many and perhaps most evangelical Christian scholars believe that 69 of those periods have already been fulfilled by the time of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension. Thus, the final week, the 70th week, is awaiting fulfillment.  Gabriel indicated that the final or 70th week is marked by a person’s confirming a covenant with “many” for one 7-year period (Daniel 9:27); the person is believed to be the antichrist for a number of reasons—particularly including the fact that the person breaks the covenant after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27).  Again, many evangelical Christian scholars believe that this final 7-year period includes the time of the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:21) and that it is preceded by the Rapture.    Interestingly, shortly after Jesus ascended into heaven (estimated at 32 AD as discussed above), Israel was, in 70 AD, conquered by Rome, the nation was scattered, Jerusalem was overtaken, and the temple was completely destroyed. This destruction suspended the final 7-year period prophesied for the descendants of Jacob and the city of Jerusalem.  In the interim years many Christians wondered how this prophecy could be fulfilled absent a nation of Israel.  However, a series of events caused the nation of Israel to almost suddenly resume its existence:    A. On May 14, 1948, the nation of Israel was officially re-formed —fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 66:8 regarding a nation’s being formed in a day.    B. On May 17, 1949, the nation of Israel was officially admitted as a member state into the United Nations —affirming international recognition of its status as a nation.     C. On June 7, 1967, the nation of Israel gained control over the entire city of Jerusalem in the 6-Day War —enabling the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy to finally be fulfilled.     D. On July 19, 2018, the nation of Israel officially adopted the Nation-State Bill, which officially declared Israel to be the nation-state of the Jewish people .      Considering Israel’s having been re-born, having received international recognition, having re-assumed control over the city of Jerusalem, and having become the nation-state of the Jewish people, Gabriel’s prophecy regarding the final 7-year period is now fully and finally capable of being fulfilled.    3. Fig Tree Generation   – Israel is at times referred to in Scripture as a fig tree (Hosea 9:10, Joel 1:7). In this regard, it is no coincidence that Jesus, in the Olivet Discourse, said “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: as soon as its branch has become tender and sprouts its leaves, you know that summer is near; so you too, when you see all these things [i.e. the events preceding and of the great tribulation as described in Matt. 24:5-31], recognize that He is near, right at the door.” (Matt. 24:32-33.) Inasmuch as the nation of Israel was practically dead for nearly 1900 years, the nation’s coming to life again in 1948 prompts us to consider whether the fig tree’s branch has become tender and sprouted its leaves once again—suggesting that Jesus’ Second Coming could be soon (at the conclusion of the time of the Great Tribulation).      Further, Jesus told His disciples, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Matt. 24:34).  Many evangelical Christian scholars believe that “this generation” is the generation of people born around the same time that Israel was born.  Considering further the prayer of Moses indicating that “[a]s for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, [o]r if due to strength, eighty years” (Psalm 90:10a), many believe that something significant must occur in the paradigm of God within 80 years of 1948—which would be the year 2028.  Again, could 2025 , falling within that timeframe, be a marker for the “fig tree generation”?      4. Birth Pains  – In His Olivet Discourse, Jesus mentioned a number of things as constituting the labor or birth pains of a woman before her baby is born—a metaphor for the events preceding the "Day of the Lord" or the Second Coming of Jesus (Matt. 24:5-8) (responding to the disciples' specific inquiry as to the signs of His coming).  These events include (a) people claiming to be Christ (Matt. 24:5), (b) wars and rumors of wars (Matt. 24:6), (c) nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom (Matt. 24:7a), (d) famines (Matt. 24:7b), and (e) earthquakes in various places (Matt. 24:7b).    Considering the list provided by Jesus, many people believe that we are witnessing the birth pains now—inasmuch as the described events seem to be pervasive at this time.  Of course, after the birth pains, the baby will be born, i.e., the final period before the Second Coming of Christ will occur.  Thus, when examining the timeframe provided by Jesus, particularly in relation to the "birth pains," it is not difficult to believe that we are on the verge of something significant in these last days.    5.  Signs in the Heavens  – Jesus indicated that in the last days we would see signs in the heavens (Luke 21:25). A. Blood Moon Tetrads. There is also an indication that the moon will be turned to blood following the opening of the 6th seal (Rev. 6:12; see also Joel 2:31 and Acts 2:20).  While the typical blood moons that we see on occasion (as a consequence of having their sunlight eclipsed by the earth) are not THE blood moon described in Revelation and do not otherwise fall within the timeframe referred to in these scriptures, we recognize that celestial events can be signs ordered by God (Gen. 1:14).     In this regard, we note that a tetrad, which is a series of 4 consecutive total lunar eclipses (i.e., blood moons)—approximately six months apart , is fairly unique as a significant celestial event.  Further, it is even more rare that each of the blood moons in any tetrad would occur on a prominent Jewish festival day. Further, it is notable that past tetrads in the 20th and 21st centuries that have coincided with the Feast of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles seem to mark significant events applicable to the nation of Israel:    i. 1949-1950 Tetrad – In 1949, the U.S. recognized Israel as a nation, Israel’s government was convened, and Israel was invited into the United Nations .    ii. 1967-1968 Tetrad – In 1967, Israel engaged in the 6-Day War, acquiring significant territories and, significantly, control over Jerusalem .    iii. 2014-2015 Tetrad – In November of 2014, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, defended his draft of Israel’s Nation-State bill, declaring Israel to be "The nation-state of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people alone." Another version of this Nation-State legislation was eventually adopted on 7/19/2018.  (Curiously, too, and perhaps connected to the world in relation to Israel, in 2015, the United Nations created 17 world development goals called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of securing "peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future") (see 1 Thessalonians 5:3).    This, of course, raises the question: Considering that the next tetrad that coincides with at least 2 Jewish festivals is scheduled to occur in 2032 -2033, what significant event in Israel will it mark?  Could it mark the beginning of the Millennial reign of Christ? The Rapture? Some other significant event?  Supposing for a moment that the tetrad of 2023-2033 were anticipated to mark the 2nd Coming of Christ and the establishment of His millennial kingdom, wouldn’t that mean that the pre-tribulation Rapture would have to occur 7 years earlier in or before the year 2025 ?  When you consider the information below regarding the 70th Jubilee, it becomes even more interesting to consider the possibility of a significant event occurring in 2025.  B. Apophis. The asteroid, Apophis (the name of which refers to a demon serpent who personifies evil), is projected by NASA to fly fairly close to the earth on April 23, 2029 . The name and timing of this asteroid are particularly curious, because Revelation 8:8-11 indicates that when the 2nd and 3rd angels sound their trumpets of judgment (approximately halfway into the 21 judgments of God), something like a great mountain burning with fire is hurled into the sea, and a great star named Wormwood falls from heaven into the rivers and springs on the earth. These judgments result in the massive loss of life and damage to the water of the earth.  Assuming that the 2nd and 3rd trumpet judgments were approximately in the middle of the 7-year period of tribulation, and that Apophis striking the earth is part of those judgments, then the tribulation would have to have started approximately in the late fall of 2025.   6. The 70th Jubilee . There is disagreement amongst Hebrew scholars as to whether the Jubilee year is the first year of the next Jubilee, or if the Jubilee year is the 50th year followed by the start of a new 7-year "Shemitah" (or "Shmita" or "Sabbatical Year") cycle . However, it is interesting to note that, if the scholars that hold to the view that the 50th year starts the next Shemitah are correct , then the next Jubilee announcement should be on October 1, 2025 , and that ram's horn declaration would announce the 70th Jubilee year--i.e., the start of the final year of the 70th period of seven 7-year Shemitahs since the nation of Israel first entered into the promised land). Details regarding this calculation are provided below:   A. Solomon became king in 970 BC .  Thus, the 4th year of his reign would be 966 BC.    B. According to 1 Kings 6:1, the 4th year of Solomon’s reign (the year 966 BC) marks the 480th year of Israelites coming out of Egypt.    * If we go back in time 480 years from 966 BC, we end up at 1446 BC – the year Israel left Egypt  (i.e., 966 + 480 = 1446).   C. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years (Exodus 16:35, Numbers 32:13).    D. If we subtract those 40 years from the year that Israel left Egypt, we get to 1406 BC (i.e., 1446 – 40 years = 1406 BC).    E. Therefore, the official year of Israel’s entry into the promised land was most likely 1406 BC.    * The Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land on the 1st day of the 10th month (Tevet), which equates approximately to January 1 on the Gregorian calendar (Joshua 4:14). Crossing into the Promised Land starts the Jubilee clock per the instruction of God (see Leviticus 25:1-12). * The Israelites celebrated the first day of their first Passover in the Promised Land on the scheduled time of the 14th day of the 1st month (Nissan), which equates approximately to mid-April on the Gregorian calendar (Joshua 5:10). * The day after the start of Passover (i.e., the 15th day of the 1st month (Nissan), which again equates approximately to mid-April on the Gregorian calendar), the Israelites celebrated the first day of their Feast of Unleavened Bread, the manna stopped at that time, and they also ate of the produce of the land (Joshua 5:11-12). Curiously, the Bible does not indicate that they sowed any seed to get the food that they ate, so this raises a question as to whether the clock officially started on this date per Leviticus 25:1-12. However, the implication of the manna stopping and the Israelites eating the produce of the land suggests that the clock started in this year.   F. 70 Jubilees spans 3430 years (i.e., 70 x 7 x 7 = 3430 years).    G. If we add 70 Jubilee periods to the time when Israel officially entered into the promised land, we get the year 2024 (i.e., 3430 – 1406 = 2024).    H. If we then add 1 year to account for the BC to AD calendar conversion (there is no "0" year to count to and from, so we have to add 1 year), we get to the year 2025 (i.e., 2024 + 1 = 2025).    I. The Yom Kippur ram’s horn sounding (as required by God per Leviticus 25:9, which announces the 70th Jubilee year) should occur on October 1, 2025, according to the current Hebrew calendar as based on lunar activity.  J. With regard to the issue as to whether the Jubilee year is the 1st year of the next Jubilee period, note the following consideration: s ome scholars believe that Ezekiel 40:1 suggests, by virtue of the reference to the date of Ezekiel's vision as the 10th day of the 7th month (Tishrei), which is Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement, that the day marks the start of a Jubilee year (Leviticus 25:9): * In Ezekiel 43 (a continuation of the Ezekiel 40:1 vision and deliberately suggesting a parallel future Jubilee year) Messiah returns to His land (per Leviticus 25:10 each is to return to his own property), and considering His returning in relation to His references to “My” when referring to His throne and dwelling place in Ezekiel 43:6-9). * Identification of this date as the start of a Jubilee year is consistent with the analysis that the Jubilee calculation started in Spring of 1406 BC and that the Jubilee periods are 49 years each in duration: the 14th year after Jerusalem was taken by Babylon (per Ezekiel 40:1) (which we know occurred in 587 BC) is the year 573 BC, which happens to be 833 years after the Israelites crossed the Jordan, entered the land and ate of its harvest (see Joshua 5:11-12 and Leviticus 25:1-12) ; 833 years is exactly 17 49-year periods! 833 years is not even close to being divisible by 50. * Thus, if the date of this vision is the start of a Jubilee, then the Ezekiel 40-43 vision is perhaps the best proof text for the idea that (a) the Jubilee year is also the 1st year of the next succeeding Jubilee period (i.e., that the Jubilees are consecutive 49-year periods), and (b) the first Jubilee period started in the Spring of 1406 BC.   Thus, October 1, 2025 , should be the official ram’s horn announcement of the 70th Jubilee year from the date on which Israel entered into the promised land. While the Jews do not recognize this date ( because they don’t celebrate Jubilees unless all twelve tribes are living in their ancestral lands in Israel ), there is little question regarding the significance of this date on the calendar of God. Wouldn’t a Rapture on or near that date be significant, considering that the Rapture is, in essence, a marker for the reinvigoration of God’s plan for the nation of Israel and Jerusalem (considering the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy).  Interestingly, too, even if the alternative position regarding the calculation of the Jubilee were to somehow be correct, such that a Jubilee is truly consecutive 50-year periods, it is nevertheless interesting that seven 490-year periods would have elapsed (presenting a numerical connection to (a) the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy regarding 490 years and (b) the number Jesus' used to describe the number of times that a person should forgive, i.e., 70 x 7, which is 490) (Matthew 18:22). Of course, the number could just be coincidental, but it becomes curious when the number of coincidences converge.   7. The Correlation to Jacob’s Trouble . Many scholars have also considered the connections between the time of Jacob’s Trouble and the time of the Great Tribulation  (Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel 12:1, Amos 7:1-6, Matthew 24:15-22, Revelation 6-12); a few scholars, including Randy Nettles , have endeavored to connect Jacob’s trouble to a particular year or timeframe.  Here’s how the trouble that Jacob experienced can be connected to the nation of Israel with parallels that tie to 2025 and 2032:   A. Determine Jacob’s Age at the Time of His Trouble . Jacob was deceived by his uncle and father-in- law, Laban, inasmuch as (a) Laban promised Jacob that Jacob could marry Laban’s daughter, Rachel, if Jacob would work for Laban for 7 years, and (b) Laban awarded Jacob with Laban’s other daughter, Leah, instead, forcing Jacob to have to agree to work an additional, unexpected 7 years (Jacob’s trouble) to get Laban’s daughter Rachel (the desire of Jacob’s heart) (Gen. 29). It appears that Jacob was 84 years old at the time that he was able to marry both Leah and Rachel and begin his unexpected additional 7 years of labor:   * Jacob was 130 when met with Pharoah (Gen. 47:9); Joseph had to be 39 years old at that time, which means that Joseph was born to Jacob when Jacob was 91 years old (i.e., 130 – 39 = 91).   o   Joseph was 30 years when a leader at Egypt (Gen. 41:46).   o   Thereafter, Joseph experienced Egypt’s 7 years of plenty, making him 37 years old by the end of the years of plenty (Gen. 41:47-48).   o   Following the years of plenty, there was a famine; 2 years into the famine, Joseph (now 39 years of age) reconnects with his father and introduces Jacob to Pharoah at which time Jacob declared his age of 130 years (Gen. 45:6, 11 and Gen. 47:7-10).   * When Joseph was born, Jacob, who we now know was age 91 at the time, insisted that he be allowed to leave Laban (Gen. 30:25).  At that time, Jacob complained that he had worked for Laban for 14 years (Gen. 31:41).  Thus, Jacob had to be 77 years old when he started working for Laban (91 – 14 = 77). * Because Jacob worked for Laban for 7 years before he married Leah and Rachel (Gen. 29:20-30), he had to be 84 years old when married them  (77 + 7 = 84).  Because he had to work a total of 14 years to be able to marry his desired Rachel, it can fairly be said that “Jacob’s trouble” (in working for Laban) started at Jacob’s age of 77, and that he didn't realize the benefit of his promise (of Rachel) until 7 years later at age 84.   Thus, Jacob was 77 years old at the time that his trouble began.   B. Calculate the Age of Israel, Based on Jacob’s Age at the Time of His Trouble .   * Israel was established as a nation in 1948. * If Jacob’s trouble started when he was 77 years old, and if the nation of Israel were to begin to experience its trouble (i.e., the Great Tribulation) at the same age, then Israel would begin its trouble in 2025 (1948 + 77 = 2025), and it would not realize the benefit of the promise given to the nation (its land, peace, temple and Messiah) until 7 years later, i.e., 2032.   Therefore, if there is a direct age correlation between Jacob (whose name was changed by God to “Israel” per Gen. 32:28), who experienced his time of particular personal trouble at age 77 years old, and the nation of Israel, which is prophesied to experience the Great Tribulation (which is also equated in Daniel 9:24-27 with a 7-year period), then we can conclude that Israel should be 77 years old when the Great Tribulation begins, and that age would be attained by Israel in the year 2025 .   Again, of course, we would expect the Great Tribulation period to conclude and Israel to receive the benefit of its promise in the year 2032 , which would mark the year of the return of the Messiah . 8. Consolidation of National Power into a World Government . Revelation 13 describes a future, singular world power that endeavors to govern humanity. The world power appears to be led by a single prominent individual along with a person who is described as a false prophet (Revelation 13, Revelation 17, Daniel 7:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 9-10). The world leader has as one of his missions the tormenting of Christians (Revelation 13:7). Historically, there have only been a few nations that rose to become world governments. It is anticipated that the next world government will be the government of the antichrist.    In this regard, it is interesting to see certain world governing bodies begin to take action to affect all humanity on the globe.  The United Nations was formed on October 24, 1945 .  Since its formation, we have witnessed this body endeavoring to advocate the adoption of various actions by all nations, including human rights standards and environmental standards.  In addition, the World Health Organization, formed on April 7, 1948 , promotes international standards for health and disease prevention; we witnessed the actions of the World Health Organization during the COVID-19 pandemic—imposing regulations on people of all nations of the world as it endeavored to contain the virus.  The International Monetary Fund, formed December 27, 1945 , is an international organization that works to promote global economic stability, growth, and cooperation and encourages nations to implement monetary policy and economic reforms.  In connection with the 2008 financial crisis, the IMF provided emergency loans to countries facing economic difficulties and offered policy advice to help them recover. It also worked to stabilize the global financial system by coordinating responses among countries. The World Trade Organization, formed on January 1, 1995 , is an international organization that promotes standards regarding international trade.  Interestingly, the United Nations has adopted its " Sustainable Development " goals for the year 2030 (between the years 2025 and 2030). Their "Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom." They want to "end poverty and hunger," " protect the planet from degradation," " ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature," and "foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence." In essence, they want to accomplish what Jesus will accomplish during His Millennial Reign. However, as Paul writes, "While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape" (1 Thessalonians 5:3). If a 2025 Rapture were to occur, there is no question that the tribulation would be in full force by 2030--causing Paul's prophecy to be realized.   In sum, the modern development of these international government organizations suggests that the world is preparing for the final, future world government. This anticipated entity has been described by some world leaders as “ the new world order .”  The recent substantial involvement of these world organizations in international crises suggests that the nations of the world are prepared to embrace international policies, standards and regulations in times of crises—which the tribulation period undoubtedly presents to the world.  The recent involvement by these international organizations also suggests that the world will indeed embrace international guidance for the crisis of the Rapture and the Great Tribulation.    9. Suggestions from the Essenes’ Calendar .   SkywatchTV's editor indicates that 11QMelchizedek of the Dead Sea Scrolls identifies the 7-year Shemittah period ending in 32 AD as being the time at which it was prophesied that those of the “inheritance of Melchizedek” would be released from their iniquities . Again, of course, 2,000 years after 32 AD is the year 2032.   Dr. Ken Johnson has posted online an interactive and graphic illustration of the Essenes’ 7,000-year calendar that the Essenes divided into 4 ages, further divided into 1,000-year periods, further divided into 500-year periods called “Onahs,” further divided into 50 year “Jubilee” periods, further divided into 7-year Shemittahs (with the Jubilee year constituting the 50th year of the Jubilee period). There are a number of amazing considerations applicable to the calendar, but it’s interesting to note that in Onah 12, the 9th Jubilee ends with the year 2025, and the 1st Shemittah of the 10th Jubilee ends in the year 2032.   10. Incidence of Rapture and Tribulation Dreams . Joel 2:28-29 provides a prophecy that in the last days the Spirit of God will cause people to have dreams and visions.  Contextually, the prophecy appears to apply during the Millennial Reign of Christ. However, Acts 2:13-21 records Peter’s belief that unusual events occurring at that time—namely, the disciples’ speaking in tongues—was evidence of the activity of the Holy Spirit as promised in the last days. In this regard, it is interesting to note that there is a marked increase in the reports of people having Rapture and tribulation dreams. A review of YouTube videos alone in this regard demonstrates the notable occurrences (see, for example, Uplifted and Cloud9Blessings ). While it is indeed possible that various Christians had dreams of the Rapture and tribulation over the course of the last 2,000 years, never in history have so many such dreams actually been reported. Interestingly, too, never before in history have there been so many mechanisms by which people can publicly share their testimonies of having such dreams with confidence that in some instances tens of thousands of persons will see them.  Indeed, this consideration was prophesied by an angel to Daniel as recorded in Daniel 12:4, indicating that in the last days knowledge will increase.    For many of those persons who experience such dreams, they declare quite sincerely that the dreams are intensely vivid, memorable and amazing. It is quite possible that this phenomenon is evidence that something significant is about to happen.  Certainly, if the Rapture were to occur, the evidence of the many dreams will help to provide proof to many who look for it that the Rapture was an event caused by God and not by any other means that the antichrist government will offer to the world as the explanation for so many missing people.    11. The Last Trump . We also note, truly as a footnote, another curious possibility (and we recognize that this is a stretch, but it’s still thought-provoking).  If the internationally famous Donald J. Trump were to be re-elected, he would be inaugurated in 2025 . It is impossible, when thinking about the possibility of Donald J. Trump’s re-election, to ignore the prominent Rapture verse 1 Corinthians 15:52 as first worded in the internationally famous King James Version of the Bible: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” Was it coincidence that in the year 1611, as the KJV was being published, that the much-memorized passage would contain the curious translation “at the last trump” instead of using the word “trumpet”?  We’re not sure, but one has to wonder if it is possible that something were being hinted at by God in the translation that we could only realize in 2025 .  Interestingly, too, Donald J. Trump didn’t enjoy a 2nd consecutive term—which would have made it seem more like a single presidency.  Instead, despite his age, he returns to seek office a second time—making this presidency (assuming that he wins the election) truly the “last Trump” presidency.      In this regard, consider, too, the possibility that even Satan has thought about a possible Rapture event in 2025 and, fully aware of the KJV 1 Corinthians 15:52 connection, has accordingly inspired people to try to impeach, prosecute, convict and even take the life of Donald J. Trump—in an effort to disrupt and prevent the possibility of a “last Trump” presidency.  Of course, even if Donald J. Trump is not elected, there is no question that his run for the office of President would be the "last Trump" attempt at securing the office (unless of course another Trump would someday run for the office--in which case the connection between 2025 and Trump would be just a coincidental matter). Conclusion In sum, there are a host of curious considerations that all appear to be converging, and there further appears to be notable highlights around the years 2025 and 2032. While there is no possible way to know for sure what God has in mind for the date of the Rapture and the time of the Great Tribulation, such considerations definitely prompt us to be watchful and to long for the appearing of Jesus (2 Timothy 4:8).

  • Prophecies about Humanity's Future in Scripture

    Bible prophecy is sprinkled throughout Scripture. Many of the prophecies have already been fulfilled. Most have yet to be fulfilled. Get a glimpse here of the extensive prophecies yet to be fulfilled and what they foretell. In passages like Isaiah 46:10 & Isaiah 48:5-8, God notes that prophecy is what distinguishes Him from all other beings—that He can “declare the end from the beginning.” Prophecy is an expression of His sovereignty and His not being bound by the constraints of time. And, of course, many of the prophecies detailed in Scripture (such as the arrival, rejection, torture, death and resurrection of the Messiah as found in Psalm 16:10, Psalm 22:1-18, Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Daniel 9:25-26, Micah 5:1-2) enable us to have the confidence that prophecies yet to be fulfilled will actually become fulfilled. In the table below are detailed numerous passages of Scripture that address some significant prophetic events that are yet to be experienced by humanity. The key events, as we understand them chronologically, present in the following order: The Rapture of the Church (note that some see this event as occurring during the time of the Great Tribulation) A 7-year period that constitutes or includes the time of the Great Tribulation The Day of the Lord (the crescendo of the Great Tribulation and heralds the arrival of Messiah) Armageddon (an invasion of Israel by many nations, under the auspices of the antichrist , to try to plunder and eliminate Israel and its people); the nations are defeated when Christ returns. The 2nd Coming of Christ (note that orthodox Jews understand this event to be the first arrival of the Messiah) The Millennial Reign of Christ (a 1,000-year period wherein the Messiah reigns over the entire world from Mount Zion in Jerusalem) Great White Throne judgment (follows Christ’s crushing of the final rebellion as described in Revelation 20:4-13) Eternity of God with His people. These events are detailed in numerous prophecies scattered throughout Scripture—most of which are detailed below. Reference Concepts Addressed in the Passage Commentary Genesis 3:15 Satan’s Assault on the Messiah (strike His heel), and the Messiah’s Crushing of the Head of Satan Partially fulfilled by the nailing of Christ’s feet to the cross; the balance to be fulfilled when Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10). Genesis 49:9-10 Millennial Reign of Christ Jacob's prophecy that the ultimate kingship will be delivered to a descendant of Judah (King David and Jesus Christ are both in the line of Judah). 2 Samuel 7:12-13 Millennial and Eternal Reign of Christ Nathan's prophecy to King David that his descendant will have His throne established forever. Job 18:23-27 Future Resurrection from the Dead and the Millennial Reign of Christ Job prophesies that though he dies and decays he will someday see his Redeemer. Psalm 2 Millennial Reign of Christ Refers either to the Messiah’s crushing of the nations at His 2nd Coming or in the final rebellion as described in Revelation 20:7-10. Psalm 9:5-11 Millennial Reign of Christ Refers either to the Messiah’s crushing of the nations at His 2nd Coming or in the final rebellion as described in Revelation 20:7-10. Psalm 12:1, 5, 7 Rapture? Note that at the moment of the Rapture, all of the faithful will have been taken. Psalm 14:7 2nd Coming of Christ Reference to Zion is a key indicator Psalm 17:11-13 The final assault of the nations against Israel Includes a call to God to provide deliverance (2nd Coming of Christ) Psalm 18:6-17 The final assault of the nations against Israel followed by the 2nd Coming of Christ Describes some elements of the Day of the Lord, such as earthquakes, darkness, hail, smoke and fire. Psalm 24:7-10 2nd Coming of Christ Herald of praise regarding the arrival of the Messiah--similar to the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem when people placed palm branches in His path. Psalm 27:5 Rapture and/or some tribulation saints A promise of shelter during the "day of adversity," similar to the promise to the saints constituting the church that they will not experience the wrath of God (Romans 5:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and 5:9). Psalm 33:18-22 Great Tribulation Prayer of tribulation saints Psalm 37 Great Tribulation Solace for tribulation saints Psalm 45:3-7 Invitation to 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign A call for judgment on the enemies and praise for His justice and eternal kingdom. Psalm 46 2nd Coming of Christ and start of His Millennial Reign Reference to raging nations, earthquakes and devastation to the earth. Reference to the river in the City of God. Psalm 47 Millennial Reign of Christ Reference to reigning over the nations. Psalm 48 Millennial Reign of Christ, including a brief reference to Armageddon and the 2nd Coming Note the references to Zion. Reference to kings assembling to attack. Psalm 50:1-15 Millennial Reign of Christ, including a brief reference to the 2nd Coming Note the references to Zion. Psalm 51:18-19 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the references to Zion. Psalm 53 Tribulation and prayer for the coming of the Messiah. Note the references to Zion. Psalm 54, 70, 74 Great Tribulation Examples of many Psalms wherein a person is calling to God for vindication from the person’s enemies—typical of the prayers of a saint living in the time of the Great Tribulation. Psalm 61:7 Millennial Reign of Christ The kingdom is noted to be eternal. Psalm 66:1-5 Millennial Reign of Christ The whole earth is invited to praise and worship Him. Psalm 67 Millennial Reign of Christ The nations praise God. Psalm 68 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign References to God’s conquest of His enemies. Reference to earthquakes. Reference to the temple in Jerusalem. Reference to nations praising Him. Psalm 69:34-36 Millennial Reign of Christ Reference to salvation of Zion. Psalm 72 Millennial Reign of Christ Reference to His reigning over the earth and all nations worshipping Him. Psalm 76 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign Reference to Zion, and His tent in Jerusalem (Amos 9:11). Reference to His conquest of enemies, nations and wrath. Psalm 79-80 Armageddon and invitation to 2nd Coming of Christ Reference to the nations, desecration of the temple, and attack against Israel. Psalm 82:8 Invitation to the Day of the Lord  Reference to "all the nations." Psalm 83 Armageddon and invitation to the Day of the Lord Describes the plans of the nations to eliminate the people of Israel and take the land and God's deliverance with fire and a storm. Psalm 86:9-10 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the fact that “all nations” come to worship God. Psalm 87 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the emphasis on Zion. Psalm 89:15-16 Rapture? Note that the ones who hear the shout are happy and walk in the light of God’s presence; they are made righteous by God. Psalm 96-97 Praise for the 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign Note references to Zion, a new song and the fact that all nations are invited to worship. Psalm 100 Millennial Reign of Christ Note that all nations are invited to worship. Psalm 102:12-22 Invitation to the Millennial Reign of Christ Note the references to Zion. Psalm 106:47 Plea for God to gather Israel from the nations. Occurs following the 2nd Coming of Christ. Psalm 110 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign Note reference to Zion and a particular “day.” Psalm 117 Millennial Reign of Christ Call for praise to all nations. Psalm 118:10-12 Day of the Lord? Reference to "all the nations" surrounding Israel. Psalm 124 2nd Coming of Christ Providing deliverance from the evil attackers. Psalm 125 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the reference to Zion and “now and forever.” Evil is banished. Psalm 126 Millennial Reign of Christ Zion is restored. “The nations” recognize that Yahweh has blessed Israel. Psalm 129:5 2nd Coming of Christ Those who attack Zion will be punished. Psalm 130:7-8 Millennial Reign of Christ Israel will be specially forgiven for their sins. Psalm 132:13-18 Millennial Reign of Christ Based in Zion per the desire of God. Psalm 133:3 Millennial Reign of Christ Yahweh accords everlasting life to the remnant of Israel. (See the promise in the prior chapter of forgiveness of sins.) Psalm 134 Millennial Reign of Christ Blessings extend to Yahweh’s servants from Zion. Psalm 135:21 Millennial Reign of Christ A call for praise to Yahweh Who reigns from Zion. Psalm 138:4-5 Millennial Reign of Christ All kings on earth will worship Yahweh. Psalm 140:10 Final Judgment Evil are cast into the Lake of Fire. Psalm 144:5-8 Plea for the 2nd Coming of Christ To provide deliverance from the enemy. Psalm 145 Millennial Reign of Christ A praise that may be presented during the reign of Yahweh. Psalm 147:2-3 Millennial Reign of Christ He rebuilds Jerusalem and gathers Israel. Psalm 148-149 Millennial Reign of Christ An extensive praise that will be proclaimed during His reign. Psalm 150 Eternity An eternal praise to Yahweh. Isaiah 2:1-4 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the references to the “last days,” “Zion” and “all nations.” Marked by peace. Isaiah 2:10-22 The Day of the Lord All mankind and human pride will be brought low; people will flee into caves; the earth will be terrified. Isaiah 4:2-6 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the reference to “that day” and Zion. Zion is associated with Jerusalem. The glory of God will be present. Isaiah 5:26-30 God’s invitation to the nations to come to the Battle of Armageddon. Note the reference to “distant nations” to come to assault Israel and the reference to “that day” (the Battle of Armageddon occurs in connection with the 2nd Coming of Christ). Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 Millennial Reign of Christ Reigning from the throne of David Isaiah 11 Millennial Reign of Christ – particularly its beginning. Marked by peace, righteousness, justice, faithfulness, and all will know Yahweh. The remnant of Israel and Judah will be gathered from around the world and brought into the nation of Israel. Note the reference to “that day.” Note, too, in vss. 1 and 10 the promise of a descendant from the line of Jesse, the father of King David. Isaiah 12 Foretelling of the praise occurring during the Millennial Reign of Christ. Note the reference to Zion and “that day.” Isaiah 13:1-13 The Day of the Lord, which is the moments preceding the 2nd Coming of Christ. The wrath of God unleashed on wicked mankind, marked by fear, horror, pain, agony, desolation of the earth, darkness, disaster, earthquakes, and shaking of the heavens. Isaiah 14:12-19 Defeat of Satan; cast into the bottomless pit. Refers to him as a destroyer and one who sought to be like God. Isaiah 16:5 Millennial Reign of Christ Note that the throne is established in the “tent of David.” Isaiah 17:4-14 Armageddon and the Day of the Lord Only a remnant in Israel will be spared; note the references to “that day” and “nations.” Isaiah 18 Millennial Reign of Christ Very unusually marked by a special gift by a special group of people from a powerful nation (whose land is divided by rivers) with an unusual language brought to Yahweh at Mount Zion; might possibly mark the return of the original Ark of the Covenant. Isaiah 19:16-25 Millennial Reign of Christ A special note regarding a special relationship created between Egypt, certain nations (comprising the former Assyria) and Israel. Isaiah 24 Day of the Lord, and start of the Millennial Reign of Christ A promise that the earth will be desolated. Isaiah 25 The aftermath of the Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ and the start of the Millennial Reign of Christ. Notice that a great feast is promised for the people “on the mountain” [i.e., of Zion]. This is something of a parallel to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Note the reference to “that day.” Isaiah 26:1-18 The Millennial Reign of Christ Reference to the people of the world learning righteousness. Reference to the 2nd Coming of Christ in vs. 11. Reference to expansion of the borders of Israel. Isaiah 26:19-21 Perhaps the Rapture Note that the dead of God are indicated to rise and then other people are gathered and sequestered until the wrath of God has passed.  The wrath of God and the Day of the Lord is described in the succeeding verse. [Timing suggests pre-wrath rapture.] Isaiah 26:20b-21 The Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ. Reference to wrath and judgment upon the earth. Isaiah 27:1 Punishment of Satan Note the reference to “that day.” Isaiah 27:12-13 The start of the Millennial Reign of Christ Note the reference to “that day” and the gathering of Israel from among the nations. Isaiah 28:5-6 Millennial Reign of Christ Referred to as Yahweh of Hosts; note the reference to “that day.” The reign is marked by justice and strength. Isaiah 30:18-26 Millennial Reign of Christ Special attention is given to the people of Israel.  Note the reference to Zion and “that day.” Isaiah 30:27-33 2nd Coming of Christ Note the judgment affects “the nations.”  There is particular judgment on Assyria (presumably the collection of nations that formerly comprised it). Isaiah 33:20-24 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the reference to Zion. Isaiah 34 2nd Coming of Christ and Millennial Reign of Christ Judgment of the nations with a particularly pronounced judgment against Edom [now Jordan]. Isaiah 35 Millennial Reign of Christ The land will be blessed, and God’s people will return to Zion. Isaiah 40:1-11 Millennial Reign of Christ God appears in Zion and comforts the people of Israel. Isaiah 42:1-17 Millennial Reign of Christ He is praised in the earth. A reference to the 2nd Coming of Christ in vss. 13-15. Isaiah 43:1-7 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the gathering of the people of Israel. Isaiah 45:14-25 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the special promise of special salvation and justification for the descendants of Israel. Isaiah 46:13 Millennial Reign of Christ The promise of splendor and salvation in Israel. Isaiah 49:7-26 Promise of restoration of Israel. As manifested in the Millennial Reign of Christ. Isaiah 51 Promise of restoration of Israel. As manifested in the Millennial Reign of Christ; note that justice will be brought “to the nations.” Note the reference to Zion. Isaiah 52:1-12 2nd Coming of Christ and Millennial Reign of Christ Note the statement: “Yahweh returns to Zion” (indicating that He has been there before. Note the reference to “nations.” Isaiah 52:13 – Isaiah 53 Special discussion of the Messiah as the One who reigns. Note that earlier He appalled people and was disfigured; now He sprinkles the nations; He was despised, rejected, stricken, struck down by God and afflicted; He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed; he bore the punishment for all; He was “cut off” from the land of the living (i.e., put to death); He will justify many; He submitted Himself to death; He bore the sin of many; He will be highly exalted. Isaiah 54 Millennial Reign of Christ Special promises to the people of Israel and Jerusalem. Isaiah 55 Millennial Reign of Christ Promise to fulfill the promise to David and promise for joy and peace everlasting. Isaiah 56:1-8 Invitation to all to come and worship the Lord. “A house of prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 60 Millennial Reign of Christ Descendants of Jacob will return to Israel along with great wealth.  The temple will be beautified. The light of Yahweh will render the sun and moon unnecessary. Note the reference to Zion. Isaiah 61-62 Millennial Reign of Christ The descendants of Jacob will be abundantly blessed in the witness of all nations. Emphasis on righteousness. References to Zion. Jerusalem will be a praise in the earth. Isaiah 63:1-6 2nd Coming of Christ and Armageddon “Day of vengeance” Isaiah 64:1-2 Invitation for the 2nd Coming of Christ References to His coming and earthquakes and fire. Isaiah 65:17-25 Millennial Reign of Christ Earth and heaven to be re-made by God. A time of peace. People will live longer during this time. Isaiah 66:12-14, 18-24 Millennial Reign of Christ Jerusalem restored; the whole world will worship God. Isaiah 66:14-16 Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ Reference to His coming, wrath, fire and judgment on all flesh. Jeremiah 3:14-19 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the reference to Zion, nations and to the throne of God being in Jerusalem. Jeremiah 4:19-31 Great Tribulation Note that the earth is described as desolate Jeremiah 23:3-8 Millennial Reign of Christ Includes the gathering of Israel; refers to Jesus as His righteous branch for David. Jeremiah 23:19-20 Great Tribulation Note the references to “wrath” and the “last days.” Jeremiah 24:6-7 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the promise to return the descendants of Jacob to the land of Israel and the promise to give them a heart to know God. See also Zechariah 8:8. Jeremiah 25:30-38 Day of the Lord Note the reference to the treading of the grapes and the involvement of all nations. Jeremiah 31:31-40 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the promise to write the law on their hearts and remember their sin no longer and the phrase “ever again.” Jeremiah 33:14-26 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the reference to the Branch of David and His execution of “justice and righteousness on the earth.” Ezekiel 14:12-20 Great Tribulation Describing a basis for time of desolation of the earth; the whole earth (except for the remnant) will have acted faithlessly against God. Ezekiel 28:11-19 Satan and his Final Judgment See also Revelation 20:10. Ezekiel 28:24-26 Millennial Reign of Christ Note the gathering of the people of Israel from among the nations. Ezekiel 34:11-31 Millennial Reign of Christ Like a shepherd, God will search out and gather the descendants of Jacob to Israel. He will give them peace and restoration. King David will be their shepherd and Yahweh will be their God. The land and the people will be blessed and protected. Ezekiel 36:8-12, 22-38 Millennial Reign of Christ God will restore the nation, land and people of Israel.  He will gather the people from the nations and bring them to Israel.  He will give them salvation, a new heart and a new spirit and His Spirit. God will also cause the land to become fruitful for them. God will restore the cities from their desolation. Ezekiel 37:1-14 Millennial Reign of Christ God will cause the people of Israel who have died to come alive; He will give them His Spirit, and they will live and come into the land. Ezekiel 37:15-28 Millennial Reign of Christ God will call all of Israel from the nations to which they were scattered and all of Judah from the nations to which they were scattered and unite them again into a single nation. King David will reign over them forever. They will follow God’s statutes. There will be a perpetual covenant of peace. God will dwell with them forever. Ezekiel 38-39:24 A Massive Invasion of Israel (Armageddon) A group of nations invades Israel to plunder it.  Included in the group of nations is Gog/Rosh (Russia), Persia (Iran), Put (Libya), Cush (Sudan), Gomer (Turkey) and Beth Togarmah (Armenia). It will be a massive army and ground assault. [Opponents of the idea that this is Armageddon indicate that this battle is against Israel whereas the Battle of Armageddon as described in Revelation 19:17-21 is against Christ Himself.  However, Zechariah 14:1-15 reconciles the battles—suggesting that the battle starts against Israel, but then Christ comes to rescue Israel and defeat the invading army.] Some nations (including possibly nations in Northern Africa as well as other nations known for their merchants—i.e., possibly the U.S.) will inquire about the purpose of the invasion. Scholars differ as to whether this invasion occurs at the start of or at the midpoint of the Great Tribulation or whether it is indeed the Battle of Armageddon. The succeeding passage of Ezekiel 39:25-29 suggests that this battle is Armageddon. God addresses the enemy of Israel with an earthquake (so severe that all living creatures tremble), rain, hailstones, plague and burning sulfur. [Note that the battle as described in Zechariah 14 includes a massive earthquake, a plague and panic.] It will take 7 months to bury the dead of the invading army and 7 years to burn the weapons (which points to a date at the start of the final 7-year period of Tribulation).  Birds (see also Revelation 19:17-18) and wild animals will assist with the cleanup of the deceased. The world will recognize that God saved Israel. Note that the battle in Revelation 20:7-9 involves all nations (unlike this attack that involves less than all nations), and Satan is leading the charge—indicative of the fact that the Revelation battle is the final rebellion, while this battle appears to be distinct from the final battle. Note that the assault is on Israel, after the land has been restored from war and which has been “regathered from many peoples to the mountains of Israel” (which appears to be after the resurrection of Israel in 1948). Ezekiel 39:25-29 Millennial Reign of Christ God will restore the fortunes of Jacob and gather the people of Israel from the nations. God will demonstrate His holiness to Israel in the sight of many nations. God will pour out His Spirit on the House of Israel. Ezekiel 40-46 A New Temple Ezekiel describes a new temple along with its dimensions. This temple will likely be the temple of Yahweh as built at the start of the Millennial Reign of Christ. Ezekiel 47 The Special Life-Giving River flowing out from the Temple Area in the Millennial Reign of Christ Provides fresh, restorative water that produces life, and special trees providing healing. Ezekiel 48 Allotments of Land in Israel During the Millennial Reign of Christ Note that " the name of the city from that day on will be: Yahweh Is There." Daniel 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of Future World Kingdoms   According to Daniel’s interpretation (Daniel 2:31-45), a series of world kingdoms would arise after the Babylonian kingdom, each becoming inferior to the prior kingdom; the final kingdom (of the antichrist) has 10 elements and is partly strong and partly brittle; a stone from God (Christ) crushes the final kingdom and establishes “a kingdom that will never be destroyed” (v. 44). Daniel 7:7-27 Daniel’s Vision of the Final World Kingdom and its Destruction by the Messiah Appears to be the final world kingdom; its 10 horns represent its 10 kings or sovereignties; the kingdom is terrorizing to the earth; one small horn that arises in place of 3 horns is the antichrist. He speaks against the Most High and changes the laws and religious festivals and persecutes the “holy ones” for 3.5 years. But the Ancient of Days arrives and strips the kingdom away from him. One like the son of man is granted authority over the earth.  He is given an everlasting kingdom. Daniel 8 Daniel’s Vision of a Ram and a Goat Providing Daniel with a prophecy about future kingdoms, including Medo-Persia (Cyrus the Great), Greece led by Alexander the Great, whose kingdom at his death was divided into 4 kingdoms—one of which would be the Seleucid Empire, whose leader, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, would claim to be “God Manifest,” persecute Israel and defile the temple—as a precursor to a future similar offender, the antichrist (the little horn of Daniel 7:8, 25 and discussed in Daniel 9:27 and 11:36-45, Matthew 24:15-16, Mark 13:22, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, I John 2:18-23 and Revelation 11:7, 13:5-7, 13:16-18, 17:8-12). Daniel 9:24-27 Gabriel’s Prophecy Given to Daniel Regarding the Coming of the Messiah and the antichrist Gabriel indicates that 490 years are particularly prophesied for Daniel’s people and Jerusalem; the Messiah would come 483 years after the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem; the Messiah would then be “cut off”; a final period of 7 years awaits in the future marked by a covenant entered into by him (the antichrist) with “many” (likely the people of Israel) for a 7-year period, but in 3.5 years he (the antichrist) will break the covenant, stop the sacrifices and offerings and defile the temple—inciting desolation of the world (by God). Daniel 10-11 An Angel’s Prophecy Given to Daniel Regarding Future Kingdoms Daniel receives a prophecy regarding the future kingdom of Greece as would become controlled by Alexander the Great, whose kingdom would be divided in 4 kingdoms, culminating in detail regarding the actions of Antiochus Epiphanes IV. The prophecy is so accurate in its description of the kingdoms and their activities that many have opined that the information was recorded after the facts. Verses 40-45 may relate to an end times battle involving the antichrist as the king of the North. [Note that verses 36-45 may all relate to the antichrist.] Daniel 12:1 The Great Tribulation and perhaps the Day of the Lord Uniquely severe distress. Possible reference to the Rapture or the Lamb’s gathering (see Revelation 14:14-16). Daniel 12:2-3 Resurrection of the Dead Possible reference to the Rapture or Great White Throne judgment (see Revelation 20:11-15). Daniel 12:3-13 Last Days Those who lead many to righteousness could refer to those who spread the Gospel during the Great Tribulation. Travel and increase in knowledge are noted to be evident in the last days. The duration of the events until the end will be a time, times and ½ a time (i.e., 3.5 years or 3,500 years or 3.5 jubilees). From the time the daily sacrifice is abolished to the time of the abomination of desolation is 1,290 days. Hosea 2:23 Millennial Reign of Christ God replaces the people of Israel in Israel and has compassion on them. Hosea 3:4-5 Millennial Reign of Christ Note that King David lived approximately 500 years before this passage was written, but it looks forward to seeing King David again with the Messiah. Note the reference to the “last days.” Hosea 6:1-3 2nd Coming of Christ According to the Millennial Day Theory, verse 2 appears to suggest that the Millennial Reign of Christ might come approximately 2,000 years after Christ ascended into heaven. Joel 1:1-14 The Great Tribulation Notice that the invasion of nations into Israel is described as a devastation of locusts (see Amos 7:1-6). Joel 1:15-20 The Day of the Lord Note the reference to “that day.” Note that it is a time of devastation—even to Israel. Joel 2:1-17 The Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ Note that it is accompanied or preceded by darkness. Note that the army of the Lord incites terror in the nations. Note that there is a gathering of people in conjunction with the arrival of the army of the Lord. Joel 2:18-19 A promise of restoration associated with the Millennial Reign of Christ. Reference to Israel no longer being a disgrace to the nations. Joel 2:20 Armageddon Note that the invasion into Israel came from the North. Joel 2:21-27 A promise of restoration associated with the Millennial Reign of Christ. Note the reference to Zion. Joel 2:28-32 Tribulation and possibly the time preceding the Tribulation A promise of a special anointing of the Holy Spirit on humanity. A promise of wonders in the heavens and on earth. Sun turned to darkness and the moon to blood BEFORE the Day of the Lord. A promise of salvation to those who call on the name of Yahweh. A promise of escape to those “on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem.” Note that Yahweh will “call survivors” to salvation. Joel 3:1-16 Armageddon, the Day of the Lord and the 2nd Coming of Christ God gathers nations together to fight against Him and His army, and He will trample them like grapes. The nations are judged for their wickedness and offenses against God’s people. Note that darkness precedes the Day of the Lord. The Lord arrives at Zion in Jerusalem with earthquakes and a shaking of heaven. Joel 3:17-21 Millennial Reign of Christ Marked by peace and prosperity for the people of Judah and Jerusalem. The people of Judah will be pardoned by God. Amos 5:18-20 The Day of the Lord Marked by a time of darkness and terrors for everyone. Amos 7:1-6 The Great Tribulation Note that it is a time that will devastate Israel. Note that it refers to the invasion of Israel by nations described as devouring locusts (see Joel 1:1-14). Note that the invasion occurs AFTER the king’s crop is taken up (could be a reference to the rapture of the Church). Note that fire devours the oceans as well as the land. Amos 9:5 The 2nd Coming of Christ Reference to His touching of the earth and all on the earth mourning. Amos 9:11-15 Millennial Reign of Christ Restoration of the fallen Tabernacle of David. Prosperity given to Israel; they will not be uprooted from their land. Obadiah 1:15-21 Day of the Lord Note that all nations will be judged by God. Deliverance on Mount Zion. Israel will be given prominence. It will be the Lord’s kingdom. Micah 1:2-4 Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ Judgment against all nations. Note that the earth will quake at this time. Micah 2:12-13 Millennial Reign of Christ Descendants of Jacob will be gathered to Israel.  The Lord will be their king. Micah 4:1-8 Millennial Reign of Christ Note reference to “last days.”  The Lord will reign from Mount Zion in Jerusalem.  Nations will be excited to see the Lord to receive His instruction.  The time and kingdom will be marked by peace; the Lord will settle disputes between nations.  Everyone will have peace and comfort.  God will gather the remnant and bring them to His kingdom. Micah 4:11-12 Armageddon Nations will be gathered to launch a massive international assault against Israel.  The Lord will plunder the nations on that day. Micah 5:1-6 Armageddon and the Millennial Reign of Christ The one from Bethlehem will arrive to rescue Israel from the invasion by 7 or 8 nations (referred to as an invasion by Assyria and Nimrod). Micah 7:8-13 Millennial Reign of Christ Nations will see the restoration of Israel. Micah 7:18-20 Millennial Reign of Christ Christ will forgive the sins of the remnant of Israel (giving them salvation). Nahum 1:2-6 Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ God’s wrath poured out against His enemies.  The earth and all people will shake at His arrival. Nahum 1:14 Judgment of the Antichrist See also Revelation 19:20. Nahum 1:15 Millennial Reign of Christ The wicked never again march through Judah. Habakkuk 2:14 Millennial Reign of Christ The whole earth knows the Glory of God. Habakkuk 3:3-15 Day of the Lord and 2nd Coming of Christ References to His coming, plagues, pestilence, earthquakes, the nations’ fear, wrath, judgment on water, and salvation of His people. Habakkuk 3:16-19 Final Invasion of Israel The remnant are to flee to the mountains when the invasion occurs. Zephaniah 1 Day of the Lord, 2nd Coming of Christ Note the references to Zion and “that day.”  Marked by destruction and desolation.  Note that distress and horror is brought on all of mankind.  Particular judgments noted for Assyria, Egypt and other nearby nations. Zephaniah 3:1-8 Armageddon Note that God gathers the nations together for their judgment.  The whole earth is consumed by God’s fire. Zephaniah 3:9-20 Millennial Reign of Christ The remnant of Israel finds refuge in Yahweh; they are delivered from the enemy. They are gathered and accorded fame and praise. Zechariah 2:10-13 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign Note the references to Zion and “that day.” Zechariah 3:10 2nd Coming of Christ Note the reference to “that day.” Zechariah 5:5-11 Babylon? Possible reference to the future Babylon that brings wickedness to the earth. Zechariah 8 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign Note the references to Zion and the references to people returning to Israel. Zechariah 9:9-17 2nd Coming of Christ and His Millennial Reign Note the references to Zion and “that day.” Zechariah 10:8-12 Millennial Reign The gathering of Israel Zechariah 12:1-9 2nd Coming of Christ Note the references to “that day”; rescue of the nation and Jerusalem. Zechariah 12:10-14 Israel’s reaction to the arrival of the Messiah (the 2nd Coming of Christ) Mourning seeing the One that they pierced; note the references to “that day”; note the reference to the Battle of Armageddon. Zechariah 13 Start of the Millennial Reign of Christ Marked by cleansing; note that only 1/3 of the people of Israel remain. Note the references to “that day.” Zechariah 14 Day of the Lord, 2nd Coming of Christ, Armageddon, beginning of the Millennial Reign of Christ. Amazing description of the Day of the Lord and the arrival of the Messiah on the Mount of Olives, which will be split in ½--allowing people of Jerusalem to escape as the army of God brings down judgment on the nations gathered.  Note the references to “that day.”  Earthquake noted. No light on that day.  At the start of the Millennial Reign of Christ, note the existence of “living water” flowing out from Jerusalem. Note that all who attacked Jerusalem, including all of their animals, will rot while they are standing. The Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated by the whole world. Malachi 1:11 Millennial Reign of Christ All nations will worship Yahweh. Malachi 3:1-6 2nd Coming of Christ Messenger comes before the Lord.  He comes to His temple.  Who can endure the day of His coming? Malachi 3:16-18 Rapture or other rescue God will take some very evident special action towards a group of people as “a special possession on the day I am preparing.”  The action will distinguish between the righteous and the wicked.  There is no reference to Jacob or Judah here, suggesting that God is not talking about the Day of the Lord. Malachi 4:1-3 The Day of the Lord Massive judgment of God on the wicked—reducing them to ashes. Malachi 4:4-6 Promise of sending Elijah before the Day of the Lord He precedes the arrival of Yahweh; the law seems to be re-invigorated at this time—suggesting that this time is for the Jews.  Perhaps Elijah and Enoch are the 2 witnesses—because they were taken without being submitted to death; instead, they will be put to death by the evil kingdom on earth.  The message of Elijah will restore families. Matthew 1021-23 Gospel of Tribulation ·         Requires endurance to the end (i.e., of your life of the end of the Great Tribulation). Matthew 19:28 Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus’ disciples reign with Him. Matthew 24 Parallel passages: ·         Mark 13 ·         Luke 21:5-28 Jesus Explains Last Days Events Jesus notes: ·         Increase in deception ·         People claiming to be the Messiah ·         Wars and rumors of wars, nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom ·         Famines ·         Earthquakes ·         Persecution of God’s people ·         Presence of false prophets ·         Proclaiming of the Gospel to the whole world ·         Abomination of Desolation spoken about by Daniel appears ·         Great Tribulation (the worst devastation of the earth) with few survivors ·         Sun and moon darkened ·         Stars fall ·         Son of Man comes in the clouds with great power and great glory ·         As in the days of Noah, people will go about their lives oblivious to what is about to occur ·         One will be taken and another will be left Matthew 26:29 (also Mark 14:25) Millennial Reign of Christ Referred to as the Kingdom of God Luke 1:33 Millennial Reign of Christ The kingdom will be everlasting. John 14:1-3 Promise of Shelter from Jesus Possibly an indication of the place where saints will be protected from the Great Tribulation. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Rapture ·         Saints are changed in a twinkling of the eye ·         At the last trump ·         Dead are raised. Hebrews 8:11 Millennial Reign of Christ Everyone will know Him. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Rapture Jesus descends with a shout, the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God; the dead rise; then the living saints rise to meet Jesus in the air. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Antichrist   ·         He appears before the Day of the Lord ·         He announces that he is God. ·         He desecrates temple. (See also Daniel 9:27, Zechariah 14:2, Matthew 24:15-16) ·         He is currently restrained. ·         Satan empowers him and enables him to perform false signs and wonders. ·         Many will be deceived by him. ·         Christ will defeat him. 1 John 2:18-22 Warning that Antichrist is Coming He will deny the deity of Jesus. Revelation 3:7-13 Church of Philadelphia ·         Appears to be protected from the Great Tribulation Revelation 3:14-22 Church of Laodicea ·         May be the saints of the time of the Great Tribulation, who, if they overcome, gain the right to experience the presence of God. Revelation 4 Rapture? ·         John hears the sound of a trumpet and an invitation to “Come up here”—akin to saints in the Rapture. ·         Immediately John is “in the Spirit” and in heaven in the presence of God and His throne. Revelation 5 The Worthy Lamb ·         Authorized to open the scroll of the end time judgment of God Revelation 5:10 Millennial Reign of Christ Martyred saints reign with Him Revelation 6 & 8:1-5 Breaking of the 7 Seals ·         Conquest ·         Taking of peace and people killing each other ·         Massive inflation ·         Death of ¼ of people with sword, famine, animals and plague ·         Martyrs ·         Great earthquake ·         Sun blackened. ·         Moon to blood ·         Sky is split apart. ·         Asteroids strike earth. ·         Every island and mountain changed. ·         Fire strikes earth Revelation 7 Interlude during Trumpets ·         Angels halt wind from blowing ·         Angel seals 144,000 from Israel ·         A multitude of persons coming out of the Tribulation offer praise to the Lamb. Revelation 8:13 Eagle Announces Woes to the Earth ·         Note that the message of God is delivered by something other than the Church. Revelation 8:6-9:21 & 11:15-19 Sounding of the 7 Trumpets ·         Hail and fire strike earth. ·         1/3 of all vegetation destroyed. ·         A mountain of fire hits the oceans and water becomes like blood; 1/3 of all sea life dies. ·         Star from heaven falls on 1/3 of all fresh water; many die. ·         1/3 of sun, moon and stars stricken causing darkness ·         Scorpion-like locusts released from the Abyss to attack mankind. ·         1/3 of mankind killed with fire, plagues, smoke and brimstone. ·         2 witnesses appear and are slain. ·         Earthquake rocks Jerusalem ·         Announcement given from heaven & temple of God appears with Ark of the Covenant Revelation 13 Antichrist and False Prophet ·         Come from the sea ·         Authority to act for 3.5 years ·         Antichrist will conquer saints. ·         Antichrist will be worshipped by all except for the saints. ·         His number is 666. Revelation 14 144,000 from Israel   Proclamations from 3 angels   2 Massive Gatherings from the Earth ·         Proclamations announce judgment and the Gospel of the Tribulation ·         The first gathering appears to be like a drawing of people to heaven by Christ. ·         The second gathering appears to be a gathering of those who are crushed in the judgment of Armageddon. Revelation 15 Great Tribulation Those Victorious over the antichrist Praise God.  Angels Prepare the Bowls of Wrath. Revelation 16 Pouring of the 7 Bowls of Wrath of God ·         Sores afflict all who have the mark of the antichrist. ·         The sea turns to blood and all sea life dies. ·         Freshwater turns to blood. ·         The sun scorches with a plague of fire and heat (see Isaiah 24:6) ·         Antichrist’s kingdom darkened; pain and sores afflict people. ·         Euphrates River dries up. ·         Demons emitted from Satan, the antichrist and the false prophet summon nations to attack Israel – the Battle of Armageddon. ·         Angelic announcement and strongest earthquake to strike the earth occurs. ·         Mountains and islands disappear. ·         100-pound hailstones fall on the earth. Revelation 17 Antichrist and Babylon Babylon described as the mother of prostitutes and all of the vile things of the earth.  Antichrist kingdom (the “beast”) has 7 heads and 10 horns (kingdoms). It comes from the abyss and seeks to destroy. Revelation 18 Fall of Babylon Possible indication of Rapture before Babylon becomes prominent in vss. 4-5 (although it could be the Lamb’s gathering as described in Revelation 14:14-15).  The earth mourns Babylon’s fall because it was a source of wealth. Revelation 19:19-21 Battle of Armageddon Messiah defeats nations that attack Israel.  Antichrist and false prophet cast into the Lake of Fire. See also Zechariah 14:1-5 and Zechariah 12:9 Revelation 20:1-3 Satan is Cast into the Bottomless Pit Satan is referred to as the "dragon"; note the reference to the 1,000 year period of Satan's binding--coinciding with the peaceful reign of the Messiah as noted in vs. 4. Revelation 20:4 Millennial Reign of Christ  This verse particularly notes the period of 1,000 years and that martyred saints (from the Great Tribulation) will rule with Christ. Revelation 20:7-9 Satan’s Final Assault At the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ, Satan is given one final opportunity to deceive the nations (God always gives people a choice as to whether to believe Him or not, and he uses the evil of Satan to remind people of their choice). Revelation 20:9-10 Satan Cast into the Lake of Fire Satan is noted to join the antichrist and his false prophet in the Lake of Fire. Their judgment is noted to be fore eternity. Revelation 21-22 A New Heaven and New Earth Prepared Jesus declares that He is making everything new, and the eternal environment is glorious.

  • Scriptural Support for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Did you know that there is substantial support in Scripture for the idea that the believers in Jesus Christ will be gathered from the earth in a Rapture prior to the Great Tribulation? We detail the supporting considerations below. We know that great Christians disagree about if and when the Rapture might occur. But please understand that the premise of this presentation is to plan for the possibility that the Rapture will occur. In other words, it is best to prepare for the Rapture, regardless of any theological disagreement about when or if it will occur. If you prepare for the Rapture, and it does not occur, there is no harm; you would have merely prepared for an event that did not occur; however, if the Rapture does occur, then each person who has not prepared, because he or she did not believe that the Rapture was clearly indicated in Scripture, is like the women in the Parable of the Ten Virgins who did not have their lamps ready (Matthew 25:1-13) or like the servant in the Parable of the Talents who buried his talents while his Master was away (Matthew 25:14-30). Therefore, while different views exist, we hope that you will at least consider the possibility of the pre-Tribulation Rapture, and for those who are open to the idea and/or are willing to learn more, we provide below 28 supports from Scripture for a pre-Tribulation Rapture--organized around 10 fundamental concepts. 28 Scriptural Supports for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture The idea of the Rapture originates from Paul's first letter to the Thessalonian church; in chapter 4 we find the following statement regarding the event: "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (emphasis added to highlight the focus of the wording at issue). Interestingly, the Greek word translated here as "caught up" has its root in the word "harpazô" (see, which means “to seize, catch up, snatch away.” This is the same word used to describe Philip's being "carried away" from the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:39. Jerome's Vulgate (approx. 400 AD), the Latin translation of the Greek New Testament, uses a term for "caught up" that has its root in the word "rapio" to describe the event, and this is the word from which we get the word "rapture." Paul further discusses the "mystery" of the departure of the Church in 1 Corinthians 15, wherein he writes: "Behold, I am telling you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:51-52) Thus, the Rapture appears to be an instantaneous event where the dead believers in Christ and the living believers are suddenly granted immortal bodies. Notably, both the Thessalonians and Corinthians texts indicate that there is a preceding trumpet blast. (1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16). (A trumpet sound is also heard by John before he is drawn to heaven; see item 13, below). The idea of the Rapture has captivated Christians--even to the point of making movies, such as the Left Behind series--to demonstrate the magnitude of the event on the world in connection with the Great Tribulation and the antichrist. These hold to the idea that a rapture-like event occurs prior to the Great Tribulation (and actually even before the start of the "final 7-year period" discussed in item 5, below)--allowing the saints to escape the judgment of God that falls upon the earth and its inhabitants. While there are a number of views regarding when/if the Rapture will occur, a host of considerations reflected in Scripture suggest, collectively quite strongly, that the Church as the Bride of Christ will be raptured prior to the pouring out of the Wrath of God during the Tribulation: A. The Existence of a Plan for the Saints of Today (as the Church/Bride of Christ) That Is Different from God’s Plan for the Saints Who Live During the Time of the Great Tribulation Suggests a Substantial Chronological and Theological Shift That Is Best Explained by the Removal of the Church Prior to the Tribulation. 1. Plans for Jews/Israel and Gentiles That Are Different in Both Nature and Time. Fundamentally, there is a dichotomy in Scripture between Jews/Israel and Gentiles (i.e., all of the people who are not descendants of Jacob/Israel). If you consider the general notion that God has a plan for both groups, it becomes increasingly clear that the plan for the Gentiles, i.e., the saints constituting the Church (or the Bride of Christ), is different in both nature and time from the plan for His chosen people--the children of Israel. Difference in Nature It is important to recognize that God has particularly chosen the descendants of Jacob (Israel) to be His "treasured possession." (Deuteronomy 7:6.) Further, God has declared that He has a special plan for the descendants of Jacob (Israel). (Jeremiah 29:11-14.) It seems from passages such as Isaiah 49:5-6, 54:7-8, 55:3, 59:20-21, 60-61, Jeremiah 29:11-14, 31:31-34 (referenced in Hebrews 8:8-12), Jeremiah 32:40, 50:5 and Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:26 (and other passages that refer to “Zion”), that the Jews/Israel are going to be saved by the special act of Jesus in making them His covenant people—by His seeking, calling, gathering, feeding and caring for them (the “Zion passages.”) However, as noted below in the "Difference in Time" section, we see that this plan unfolds in the future. Conversely, in the New Testament, we see a different, special plan of God that includes Gentiles. The difference in the plans may be attributable to the fact that the Jews rejected Jesus while the saints constituting the Church embraced Him (see John 1:11-13). Curiously, though the Jews rejected Jesus, God loves them nevertheless (because they were charged with bringing His Word to the nations - Romans 3:1-2), and He accordingly appears to want to offer them an additional opportunity in the Tribulation to accept Him. (Amazingly, too, as detailed more fully below, it seems that during the Tribulation, certain sons of Israel have a special role in the plan of God - Rev. 7:4-8.) Notably, in this regard, when Jesus was talking with the Jews, He stated, as recorded in John 10:16, "I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice; and they will become one flock, with one shepherd." (See also Ezekiel 34:11-31 in relation to the prior verses about Israel.) The distinction between the 2 groups is also noted in Acts 15 where the Council at Jerusalem determines that, unlike the Jews, the Gentiles are not obligated to observe the Law of Moses--except as to 4 specific guidelines (and the guidelines are substantially derivative of God's covenant with Noah in Genesis 9:4-6, which is also applicable to all humanity and not just to Israel). The distinction is also described by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 3:1-6 wherein he explains the "mystery ... that the Gentiles are [made] fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel ..." (Eph. 3:6) (see also 1 Corinthians 12:13 and Hosea 2:23). Difference in Time The distinction between the 2 groups and the distinct plans of God is perhaps most notably detailed by Paul in Romans 11--crescendoing in verses 25b-26a--where he identifies the fact that a time/chronological element is involved: "... that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so all Israel will be saved ...." (See the salvation of Israel by Jesus, the Messiah, described in Isaiah 49.) Thus, when "the fullness of the Gentiles has come in," the plan of God shifts back to the salvation of Israel, and all of the prophecies of the "Zion passages," referred to above, would become fulfilled. The plan for Israel thus appears to have been suspended, and the plan for the Church occupies the period of Israel's suspension. (And this idea of the plan of God for Israel being suspended and then shifting back to Israel is developed further in section B., below.) It is further notable that the plan shifted from Israel to the Gentiles most likely at the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, considering that the resurrection and faith in Jesus forms the basis for salvation for those living during the period prior to the Tribulation. (See Romans 10:9-10.) It is even further notable that Jesus appears to have identified the transition in the plan of God when, after hearing that Gentiles wanted to see Him (immediately following His triumphal entry into Jerusalem), He responded by saying, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified." (See John 12:20-23.) If the plan of God shifts back to Israel, concluding God's plan for the Church, the question is when--what event would mark such a transition? The Rapture is an excellent explanation for such a transition; if the Church/Bride of Christ is removed from the Earth, the removal would constitute the conclusion of the current plan and mark the beginning of a new plan. Amazingly, considering that the plan for the Church appears to have been instituted at or near the resurrection of Jesus, it makes sense that the plan of the Church would also conclude at a resurrection--the resurrection of the dead in Christ who rise first as Paul described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Thus, the Church age would extend from resurrection to resurrection. [Interestingly, too, considering that Israel is believed to have received the law at Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit is recognized to have been given to the Church at Pentecost, it might be fair to say that the time of the plan of Israel extended from Pentecost to Pentecost, and now the plan for the Church continues during the time of Israel's suspension--from Pentecost with the arrival of the Holy Spirit--to a point at which the plan of God involving the Holy Spirit concludes (see items 19 and 20, below), possibly marked by a future Pentecost.] Conclusion The distinction in the treatments of the 2 groups and God's plans applicable to each flows through the considerations below. Recognizing the distinctions between the 2 plans of God for the 2 groups that is different in both nature and time, it makes sense in view of the totality of the considerations here and below that the plan for the Church would involve its removal from the earth before the wrath of God is poured out on the earth and its inhabitants during the Tribulation period, allowing God to complete His plan for the Jews and Israel during the Tribulation (and extending into the Millennial reign of Christ). 2. A Different Standard for Salvation During the Tribulation. Incredibly, there is a change in the gospel during the Tribulation period—adding to the need to believe in Jesus the additional requirement to “endure to the end” (i.e., reject the mark of the new world government on your hand and forehead, and refuse to worship the antichrist beast or his image--event to the point of death - Rev. 20:4). (See Matt. 24:13-14 and Rev. 14:9-12.) The new standard actually conflicts with the current plan of salvation (for a discussion regarding the current plan of salvation see our post regarding "How Are People Saved Now--Before the Great Tribulation?"), because it adds a requirement of works--whereas our current plan is that we are saved by grace through faith ... not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9). This new requirement means that a person otherwise saved by believing in Jesus (John 3:16) would lose his/her salvation by failing to complete the required work of rejecting the mark of the government. Rather than accepting the idea that God's plan of salvation could be changed mid-stream for hundreds of millions of people, adding a new requirement just because of the timeframe during which such people lived, it makes more sense to conclude that the gospel has changed or a new plan has been offered because believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ (i.e., as constituting the Church as the Bride of Christ) have been removed from the earth--raptured--enjoying the blessings of their faith, while those who rejected Jesus Christ are presented with this new plan--this second opportunity that requires works. Further, too, recognizing that we are now saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and that "faith is the assurance of things hoped for" having no evidence of things that can be seen (Hebrews 11:1), it is important to note that the period of the Great Tribulation is marked by a host of dramatic, visible, supernatural events, including, among other things, (a) the unprecedented and shocking consequences of the breaking of 7 seals (Revelation 6 & 8:1-5), the sounding of 7 trumpets (Revelation 8:6-9:21 & 11:15-19), and the pouring of 7 bowls of wrath (Revelation 16), which desolate the earth, (b) the ability of the 2 witnesses to cause fire to flow out of their mouths to devour their enemies, to shut up the sky and prevent rain, to turn the waters to blood, to strike the earth with plagues, and to rise from the dead and ascend to heaven--causing great fear to fall on all who witness it (Revelation 11:3-13), (c) an eagle flying in midheaven and announcing woes upon everyone who dwells on the earth (Revelation 8:13), and (d) angels flying across the midheaven making announcements that will be heard by everyone on earth, including an angel who announces the fall of Babylon--the kingdom of the antichrist beast (Revelation 14:8), an angel who repeats the announcement of the falling of Babylon (and the angel illuminates the earth with his glory) (Revelation 18:1-3), and an angel who announces the "everlasting gospel" that everyone should "Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth, and sea and springs of waters” (Revelation 14:6-7). People on earth know that the judgments are from God; in fact, they blaspheme God because of the judgments (Revelation 16:21). [Moreover, the people of the Great Tribulation have the testimony of the Rapture of believers in Jesus, but we note this parenthetically, because we cannot sincerely use the pre-Tribulation Rapture itself to be evidence for the pre-Tribulation Rapture.] Thus, people living during the time of the Great Tribulation need substantially less faith to believe in God than do people living during the "Church Age"--the time between the ascension of Jesus and the Rapture of the believers. This widely available, dramatic, visible evidence, coupled with the rejection of Jesus Christ by people who lived prior to the start of the Great Tribulation appear to be precisely why such people have new, substantial additional obligations imposed on them to reject the mark of the antichrist beast, to refuse to worship the image of the antichrist beast, and to endure to the end in order to be saved (Revelation 20:4; Matt. 24:13-14 and Revelation 14:9-12.) Thus, this new standard of salvation reflects a sudden, massive change in the plan of God, and it makes sense that before this new plan would be instituted, God would first remove His "Bride" the Church--those who believed in Him with very little available, physical evidence--rewarding them for their faith. The Rapture best explains the removal of these saints. 3. A Different Seal of God in the Tribulation. We know that the Holy Spirit is the "seal of God" in us (2 Corinthians 1:21-22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30, 2 Timothy 2:19). In addition, as discussed above (item 2), salvation during the Tribulation is achieved by rejecting the mark of the beast government to the point of death as opposed to believing in Jesus alone; while the Holy Spirit is a seal for believers now, it seems that the absence of the mark of the antichrist beast is the mark or seal of believers in Jesus during the Tribulation (or stated another way: the mark of the antichrist beast is the seal of non-believers in Jesus during the Tribulation). In addition, during the Tribulation, at least some of the Tribulation saints will be marked with a new distinct seal of God on their foreheads (see Revelation 7:1-8). In Revelation 9:1-6, we see God instructing locusts to attack only those with the mark of the beast on their foreheads--passing over those who have the seal of God on their foreheads. In Revelation 14:1-5, we see that these sealed persons are a special, blameless group who were purchased from the earth as the first fruits to God and to the Lamb. Thus, inasmuch as a new seal is used to mark at least some Tribulation saints, and the mark of the antichrist beast government specially marks those who are not saints, the new marks/seals suggest that the Holy Spirit may no longer be used to mark believers in the same way as He does today, and that a new plan is instituted for sealing/marking saints. Such a new plan is indicative of the fact that the Church (having been sealed by the Holy Spirit) is not present for the Tribulation. 4. Two Prophetically Described "Crop" Gatherings Reflecting 2 Different Plans of God. There are 2 distinct "crop" (i.e., people) gatherings described in Amos 7:1-6: (1) the King’s crop (which, contextually, would represent the Church as the Bride of Christ--believers in Jesus who are raptured prior to the arrival of the “locusts”—the trials of the Tribulation), followed by (2) the spring crop, which would accordingly represent the saints (apparently a substantial number of which are Jewish) who die during or otherwise survive the Tribulation, having rejected the mark of the beast and having refused to worship the image of the beast; interestingly, the prophet Amos speaks of the second group distinctly as “Jacob”—i.e., the Jews/Israel (or perhaps he is expressing concern because he sees the particularly devastating impact of the Tribulation on Jews). The 2 harvests suggest 2 groups, which may well reflect or be the consequence of the existence of 2 plans of God--one for the Church and one for the descendants of Jacob (Israel). [There are clues indicating that the prophecy in Amos 7 relates to the Great Tribulation period. Joel 1 discusses a massive locust invasion of Israel at a time when other calamitous events are affecting Israel. The prophecy continues into Joel 2, where the "Day of the Lord" is mentioned; the Day of the Lord refers to the final days preceding the Second Coming of Christ (e.g. Isaiah 2:12; 13:6, 9; Ezekiel 13:5, 30:3; Joel 1:15, 2:1,11,31; 3:14; Amos 5:18,20; Obadiah 15; Zephaniah 1:7,14; Zechariah 14:1; Malachi 4:5). So we know that the locust invasion is the precedent to the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-20; 16:12-16). Thus, the reference to the locust invasion of Israel in Amos 7 indicates that the passage is referring to the time of the Great Tribulation. Further, the prophet's concern that Jacob will not survive the invasion is indicative that Israel is being devasted at the end of the Great Tribulation--saved only by the arrival of the Messiah (Revelation 19:19-21). And ... it is in this context that we see the harvests being effected. The harvests can be fairly understood to be souls in this context.] B. The Focus on Jews, Jerusalem and Israel during the Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Christ Suggests the Absence of the Church During the Tribulation. 5. Daniel 9's Final "Week" as Reserved for Jews and Jerusalem Only. The final 7-year period that is described in the Daniel 9 prophecy (i.e., 70 periods of 7 years, 69 of which--or 483 years--were completed when Jesus died on the cross, but there remains 1 period of 7 years to be fulfilled in the future) was determined, according to Gabriel, only for Jews and Jerusalem. If that period is determined for the Jews, then it makes sense that the Church should be removed from that period. Thus, the 7-year period that encompasses the Tribulation would be particularly for the Jews and Jerusalem. It is interesting to note in this regard that the only persons who are marked with the seal of God during the Tribulation are from the "sons of Israel." See Revelation 7:1-8. Even if it is a special seal and not an exclusive mark of salvation (which it does not appear to be), the fact that it marks only the "sons of Israel" is clearly and exclusively significant to Israel and the Jews. They are later described as the first fruits to God. See Revelation 14:1-5. Moreover, the fact that these 144,000 are only from Israel suggests that the time of the Tribulation is particularly set aside for the Jews or that they have a unique and special role in the Tribulation. 6. The 2nd of the Amos “Crop” Gatherings as Representing Jews/Israel. As noted in item 4, above, the second crop that is arriving at the time of the locusts (i.e., the trials of the Tribulation) appears to be principally Jewish/Israeli inasmuch as they are described as “Jacob”; the prophet asks God to help Jacob survive the locusts. (See Judges 7:12, Joel 1 and Isaiah 33:4—invaders of Israel described like “locusts”—culminating in the Battle of Armageddon – Rev. 16:13-16—which also takes place in Israel.) (Note that the ultimate "spring harvest" gathering could well be the gathering of the elect--new Jewish believers--that Jesus described as being conducted by His angels in Matthew 24:31.) Of course, it could be that Jewish believers appear to be facing complete extinction by the antichrist--which prompts the prophet to ask for help for Jacob. However, there is no question in this passage that Jewish believers are the focus of the second crop being harvested. 7. The Millennial Reign of Christ Focuses on Jews and in Israel. Texts regarding the Millennial reign of Christ (see e.g., Zech. 8) make clear that the whole focus of that period is Jews, Israel and Jerusalem. In this regard, we find the following curious statement in Zechariah 8:23--"The Lord of armies says this: ‘In those days ten people from all the nations will grasp the garment of a Jew, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."'" This verse begs the questions: (a) "Isn't Jesus also with non-Jewish believers?" and (b) "Shouldn't people living during the Millennial reign of Christ also be saying the same thing to believers from the Church--the Bride of Christ?" The only explanation for why people aren't also grasping the garments of believers as part of the Church and saying the same thing to them is that believers from the Church are either (i) not present with the Jews during the Millennium--instead resting with Jesus (and as noted elsewhere in these notes) in the New Jerusalem--having been previously raptured from the earth, or (ii) they are somehow spiritually distinct from the rest of humanity as those that reign with Christ (see Revelation 5:9-10) and are accordingly unquestionably connected with Jesus. [In this regard, I also note that those who reign with Christ include people who were martyred for their rejection of the mark of the beast and refusal to worship the beast in the Tribulation (Rev. 6:9-11, 20:4).] It is further notable in this regard that Jesus will arrive at His Second Coming at the Mount of Olives (see Zechariah 14:4) and will rule as Messiah from Jerusalem--and more specifically, from the Tabernacle of David (Isaiah 16:5) as opposed to ruling from any other or every other location. In addition, Isaiah 4, a chapter about the Millennial reign of the Messiah, speaks only about "survivors in Israel" (of course, they have survived the Tribulation and the Day of the Lord--omitting any consideration regarding the believers in Jesus, constituting the Church, as having also survived the Tribulation) and speaks of Yahweh's presence in Mount Zion--in Israel. Many other chapters in Scripture, prophesying about the Millennium, similarly refer to Yahweh's ruling from Zion in Israel. While these considerations may not necessarily fully substantiate that the Bride of Christ was raptured prior to the Tribulation, they strongly suggest that people constituting the Bride of Christ are uniquely spiritually distinct from those that live during the Millennium--where the focus is Israel and Jews. C. The Concept of Avoiding God’s Wrath Is Best Explained by a Rapture of the Church Prior to the Tribulation. 8. Promise to Believers of Avoiding Wrath. God's Word provides a repeated promise (Romans 5:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and 5:9) that believers constituting the Church will not face God’s wrath—which should logically include the 7 bowls of wrath in the Tribulation (Rev. 15:1, 7 and Rev. 16) as well as the 7 seals (Rev. 6:16-17) and the 7 trumpets (Rev. 11:18) (see also Rev. 14:19). If believers constituting the Church are to avoid wrath as promised by God, then it doesn't make sense that they would have to face the wrath of God in the Tribulation. Many people say that the Tribulation is not the wrath of God, arguing that hell itself represents the wrath of God; however, Revelation 16 and the other passages referenced in this paragraph above make very clear that these 7 seals, 7 trumpets and particularly the 7 bowls are the expressly described as the wrath of God. (Many people make the mistake of assuming that because we know there are saints in the Tribulation, they must be part of the Church; however, we know that people will be saved during the Tribulation, but these saints are not part of the Church as we know it today. The change in the gospel during the Tribulation is evidence of that fact. See item 2, above.) 9. A Picture of Sequestration as a Parallel. In connection with the promise that the Church will not face God's wrath, there is a picture of God’s sequestration of His children from the Tribulation in chambers (Isaiah 26:20-21), which is similar to those described by Jesus in John 14:1-3 as reserved for His followers. Such sequestration makes sense in the context of believers having been removed from where they are situated (i.e., the earth) and placed into the chambers prior to the start of the pouring out of God's wrath in the Tribulation. 10. A Picture of Removing the Faithful from Judgment as a Parallel. Similarly, there is a general picture in Scripture of God's removing people who believe in Him from harm's way--such as, for example, Rahab and her family saved from the destruction of Jericho, Lot and his family saved from the destruction of Sodom, and Noah and his family saved from the flood of the world. See also Isaiah 57:1-2. Also, Enoch was taken by God (Genesis 5:24) prior to the flood (Genesis 7). Notably, none of these famous salvation examples are descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob--meaning that they are Gentiles who experienced protection from the judgment of God by believing the instruction given to them regarding the avoidance of such judgment. 11. The "King's Crop" Gathering Escapes the Locusts. As noted in items 4 and 6, above, there are 2 distinct "crop" (i.e., people) gatherings described in Amos 7:1-6. The first of the gatherings or harvests is called “the King’s crop” (seems to represent the Church); this crop is taken prior to the arrival of the locusts—which appears to represent the trials or judgment of God applied to the earth during the Tribulation. Thus, Amos' prophetic vision suggests that the King’s crop escapes the judgment of God on the earth. D. A Gathering to Jesus that Contextually Precedes the Tribulation Suggests the Church's Being Gathered to Jesus Prior to the Tribulation. 12. The First of the Amos "Crop" Gatherings. As noted in items 4, 6 and 11, above, there are 2 distinct "crop" (i.e., people) gatherings described in Amos 7:1-6. The first of the gatherings or harvests is called “the King’s crop” (seems to represent the Church); this crop is gathered prior to the arrival of the locusts—which appears to represent the trials occurring at the time of the Great Tribulation. Thus, the King’s crop appears to be preferential—escaping the judgment of the locusts. This is a strong indication of the fact of a gathering to the King of the Church prior to the Tribulation. 13. John's Revelation Experience as a Parallel. John’s rapture experience in Revelation 4:1-2 presents a picture of the rapture of believers who observe but do not experience the Tribulation--perhaps also like the translation of Enoch before the great flood. John was told "Come up here," and immediately he was in the spirit. Note that the 2 witnesses, after they have been put to death by the antichrist, are resurrected and then told to "come up here"--just like John and presumably just like the other raptured believers (Rev. 11:12). Similarly, John's experience of Rev 4:1-2 also parallels the rapture experience described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. In these instances, the gathering occurs prior to the Tribulation. Note that in both instances, a trumpet sound is heard (Rev. 4:1, 1 Thessalonians 4:16). 14. A Gathering Event that Contextually Precedes the Day of the Lord. Speaking of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, this passage provides perhaps the greatest description in Scripture regarding the Rapture: "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord." In the very next chapter, Paul talks about the "Day of the Lord," which is the culmination of the Tribulation, so contextually, the Rapture/gathering of the Church as believers in Jesus precedes the Tribulation. 15. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb as Preceding Jesus' Second Coming. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, attended by those who were saved by believing in Jesus (see Revelation 19:7-10), principally the Church as the Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:23-32, 2 Corinthians 11:2), contextually precedes the description of the Second Coming of Christ (see Revelation 19:11-19)--suggesting that believers are in heaven with Jesus before He returns to the earth. If believers are not raptured, then how do they get to participate in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? The contextual indication is that the Church, having been gathered to Jesus, attends the Marriage Supper of the Lamb before Jesus executes His Second Coming. E. Stunning Scriptural Omissions Regarding the Church in Relation to the Tribulation Suggest the Church Is Not Present on Earth During the Tribulation. 16. Church Not Mentioned as Being on the Earth in the Tribulation. There is no mention of the Church in the Book of Revelation as being on the earth during John’s vision. Instead, the focus is on Israel, the antichrist and God’s judgment. The marked absence of references to the Church as being on the earth suggests that the Church isn't subject to the Tribulation. 17. No Warnings in the Epistles Regarding Surviving the Tribulation. There is a marked absence of warnings to the Church in the epistles regarding the Tribulation and how to survive it. If the Church were to endure the hardship of the Tribulation, the epistles would have provided guidance regarding how to handle it. Similarly, Jesus told His Jewish listeners in Matthew 24 just how they should respond to the time of the Tribulation--apparently because only the Jews and Israel would be the focus of that time period. F. Hints That the Church May Be in New Jerusalem During the Tribulation Suggest That the Church Is Not Present on Earth During the Tribulation. 18. Indications of the Church Being in Heaven or in the New Jerusalem during the Tribulation. Many texts suggest that the Church, which is the Bride of Christ, seems to be in heaven or in the New Jerusalem (see Revelation 21:2, 10-11, 22:17)--escaping the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15), which appears to be reserved for those living in the earth during the Millennial reign of Christ--who had not been saved prior to the Second Coming of Christ. Other texts reference a "great multitude" that could include saints who were part of the Church, such as Revelation 19:1 & 6, and those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7-9). But of course, nothing in these references indicates that these saints came out of or were otherwise on the earth during the Tribulation. G. Indications That the Holy Spirit Is Not Present in the Tribulation (at Least Not in the Same Way that He is with the Church) Suggest That the Church (As the Temple of the Holy Spirit) Is Not Present During the Tribulation. 19. Holy Spirit May Be the “Restrainer” of 2 Thessalonians 2. 2 Thessalonians 2:4-8 indicates that the antichrist does not appear until the one who restrains is taken out of the way. Many hypothesize that the "restrainer" is the Holy Spirit as present in believers who are raptured--thereby leaving with the believers to heaven. The departure of the presence of the Holy Spirit from the earth would enable the antichrist to press forward with his plans, unabated by the presence of God in people. (See Isaiah 48:9.) 20. The Holy Spirit May Not Be the Seal of God in the Tribulation. As noted in item 3, above, during the Tribulation, certain saints will be marked with a new distinct seal of God on their foreheads (see Revelation 7:1-3). The need for this special seal to mark these saints could be because God no longer uses the Holy Spirit to seal believers as described in 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30, and 2 Timothy 2:19. Also, as noted in item 3, above, the need to mark/seal believers becomes curiously unnecessary during the Tribulation in that the mark of the antichrist beast physically and visibly marks those who yield or swear allegiance to the antichrist beast--and thereby publicly and visibly seal their future doom--outside of the salvation available through belief in Jesus Christ (Revelation 14:9-12). Thus, the absence of the Holy Spirit--who is given to believers today as a seal--and the institution of a new plan for sealing a special group of saints during the Tribulation indicate that the Church (having been sealed by the Holy Spirit and having served as His temple) is not present for the Tribulation. H. Other Contextual Clues Suggest a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. 21. The "Apostasy" Event Preceding the Arrival of the Antichrist. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 refers to a "falling away" or "apostasy" that occurs before the arrival of the antichrist. The word from which "falling away" is translated is the Greek word "apostasia"; many commentators advocate that, among other things, (a) "falling away" is not the best translation of the word "apostasia"; (b) the best translation of the Greek word is "departure"; (c) in this regard, earlier translations (such as Wycliffe, Tyndale, Geneva, etc.) used the word "departure"; (d) there is a definite article (we use "the" to identify it) used with the "departure"--indicating that it is an event as opposed to a process (which is the nature of the falling away described in Matthew 24:10 and 1 Timothy4:1-3); and (e) Paul's reference to a "departure" event would be consistent with his prior teaching to them and could accordingly be pointing back to his 1st letter to the Thessalonians, wherein he, as provided in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, describes an event wherein the dead in Christ and those who are alive in Christ are gathered together with Christ in the air--and thereby "departing" the earth. See the article "The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3" and the article "Falling Away." Of course, the arrival of the antichrist occurs in conjunction with the Tribulation, so the departure in this context occurs before the Tribulation. 22. Contextual Clues in 1 Thessalonians 4. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, there are contextual clues, in addition to the clues noted above, that point to a pre-tribulation Rapture. First, Paul is comforting the Thessalonian church by telling them there is a basis for hope such that believers should not be concerned about those believers who have already died--reminding them that the dead in Christ will rise first (i.e., even before us--the believers who are alive and "remain"). Fascinatingly, Paul concludes the discussion with this amazing statement: "Therefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thes. 4:18). Why would we as believers be "comforted" by this event if we were expected to go through the Tribulation--and perhaps be martyred? What would be comforting at all about the Tribulation? The Tribulation involves the mass martyrdom of those who believe in Christ AND reject the mark of the antichrist. It is marked by the greatest physical damage to humanity and the earth since creation. There could only be "comfort" if the dead in Christ and those believers that remain are collectively "caught up" prior to the Tribulation. Second, in detailing this event, Paul explains that "God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus" (1 Thes. 4:14); "bring" where? We understand "bringing" to be picking up and carrying to a place. The idea that God would "bring" the dead in Christ to a place is consistent with a rapture like experience. If, for example, the dead in Christ were merely brought to life just to live during the Millennial reign of Christ, there would be no "bringing"--there would be only a resurrection. Third, Paul doesn't state here that each believer dies and is singularly carried to heaven; rather it appears to be an event that affects ALL who have died in Christ along with ALL who are alive in Christ and remain. Finally and notably, Paul makes no mention at all of the Tribulation in connection with this event; rather, as noted above, Paul discusses the Day of the Lord (the culmination of the Tribulation) in the succeeding chapter--after the Rapture event. Thus, the entire context of the principal Rapture text of 1 Thessalonians 4 suggests a pre-Tribulation Rapture. 23. The Promise to the Church in Philadelphia. In Revelation chapters 2-3, letters are written to various churches. These churches could represent collections of saints in existence at the time of the writing of Revelation, collections of saints through church history, collections of saints existing in the last days, or all of the above. Assuming, as many students of Scripture do, that the churches represent groups of saints at periods of time in history, it might be that the saints in the church in Philadelphia are those present immediately prior to the time of the Tribulation. In this regard, it is interesting to note what is said to this church in Revelation 3: "Because you have kept My word of perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of the testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who live on the earth. I am coming quickly; hold firmly to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. The one who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name." (Revelation 3:10-12.) Thus, three very notable statements are made to this group of saints: (1) they will be kept from the "hour of testing" that is no doubt the Great Tribulation, considering the note that it impacts the entire world; (2) He is coming quickly--which is a specific and unique reminder to this group that Jesus is coming soon; and (3) Jesus will write on the members of this group, among other things, the name of "the new Jerusalem," which, as noted in item 18, above, is the likely location of the Bride of Christ. In further support of this concept, the statements made to the following church, the church in Laodicea, are suggestive of statements that might be made to the saints that exist during the time of the Tribulation: "The one who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne" (Revelation 3:21); this promise is consistent with the promise given to those who, in the Tribulation, reject the mark of the beast and do not worship him and are therefore martyred for their faith as described in Revelation 20:4 - "Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their foreheads and on their hands; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years." Thus, if the collection of saints existing prior to the Tribulation constitutes the church in Philadelphia, then they have a promise of being delivered by Jesus from the hour of testing. There are, therefore, strong suggestions that the church in Philadelphia--the collection of saints present prior to the Tribulation--are rescued from the Tribulation by Jesus--most likely in a Rapture event. 24. The 24 Elders. As noted in item 13, above, in Revelation 4:1-2 the Apostle John describes a rapture-like experience wherein he hears, in addition to the sound of a trumpet (1 Thessalonians 4:16), the invitation, “Come up here,” whereupon he is immediately and spiritually translated to the heavenly realm.  There, he sees a throne and One sitting on the throne (Revelation 4:2-3).  Around the throne John sees an additional 24 thrones in each of which is seated 1 of 24 elders.  Indications that these elders are saints from the church include the facts that (a) they are clothed in white garments (Revelation 4:4), consistent with the promise made to the saints of the church in Sardis (Revelation 3:4-5) and the advice given to the saints of the church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:18), (b) they are wearing crowns, consistent with the rewards promised to saints in the church (1 Corinthians 9:25, 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12, Revelation 2:10), (c) they are holding “golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints (Revelation 5:8), and (d) “elders” is a term of office in the church (see e.g., Acts 14:23, Acts 15:2-6, 22-23, 1 Timothy 5:17, Titus 1:5, 1 Peter 5:1).  Interestingly, too, the elders are knowledgeable regarding the unfolding of events in heaven, and they explain some of the events to John (see Revelation 5:1-5 and Revelation 7:13-17).  Further, assuming that some of the 24 elders are the disciples of Jesus (Matthew 19:28, Luke 22:30), and recognizing that Scripture teaches that the “dead in Christ” are raptured to heaven with those who are alive in Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16), it appears that these 24 elders must have been raptured to heaven at or prior to the time of John’s arrival. Again, recognizing that John may have experienced the Rapture himself, it is not difficult to accept that the elders also arrived in their appointed places at the same time that John arrived in the heavenly realm—all in the context of a rapture experience.  Further, considering that the opening of the seals, the sounding of the trumpets and the pouring out of the bowls of wrath (the hallmarks of the tribulation) occur later, starting in Revelation 6, it is fair to accept that these 24 saints, along with John, experienced a pre-tribulation Rapture. I. The Presence of Other Groups of Saints Distinctly Identified as Being in Heaven and Having Come Out of the Tribulation Suggests a Different Treatment of the Church--Best Explained by a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. 25. The 5th Seal Martyrs. John records in Revelation 6 that when the 5th seal is broken he sees the souls of those who had been slain for the testimony which they had maintained (Revelation 6:9). These are those who "endured to the end" consistent with Jesus' stated requirements for salvation at this time (Matthew 24:13). And they are crying out for judgment against the people on the earth who killed them and who are obviously still alive; they are asking the Lord "how long" will He refrain from avenging their martyrdom (Revelation 6:10). And the slain are told that it will be a "little while longer"--until the number of their brothers who are to be killed is complete (Revelation 6:11). Amazingly, John does not see the other dead in Christ. He does not see all those who died prior to the Tribulation--either those who simply died as believers or those who were martyred prior to the Tribulation. Why? It doesn't make sense that John sees one group of the souls of the dead in Christ and not all the dead in Christ--unless the other dead in Christ have already been raised from the dead and gathered to Jesus at the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). It is possible that John doesn't see or hear from the Church, the Bride of Christ, until Revelation 19:1-10, Revelation 21:9 and Revelation 22:17, because they have been sequestered elsewhere in heaven (as indicated in item 9, above). It is also possible that John represents the Church--the believers in Jesus who were raptured and now observe the unfolding of God's plan having "come up here" to heaven prior to the Tribulation (Revelation 4:1-2). 26. The Multitude from the Tribulation. Similarly, in the very next chapter of Revelation, after the 6th Seal is broken, and after the 144,000 Jewish bond-servants are sealed, John records that he sees a vast, innumerable multitude "from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands," and they are leading worship near the throne of God and the Lamb (Revelation 7:9-12). In speaking with one of the elders near the throne of God and the Lamb, John learns that (a) these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, (b) they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, (c) for this reason, they are before the throne of God; and they serve Him day and night in His temple; and (d) He who sits on the throne will spread His tabernacle over them; (e) they will hunger no longer, nor thirst anymore; nor will the sun beat down on them, nor any heat; for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes (Revelation 7:13-17). Once again, this group of saints that John sees does not include the dead in Christ who died before the Tribulation--again, presumably because those dead in Christ have already been raised and constitute a different group of saints in the heavenly realm (many of whom were rescued from the wrath to come--1 Thessalonians 1:10). Moreover, this group of saints who have come out of the Tribulation is unique in that they are required to wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb; believers constituting the Church do not need to wash our robes in the blood of the Lamb, because our faith in Jesus already gave us that cleansing (Ephesians 2:13, Hebrews 10:19, 1 Peter 1:2, 1 John 1:7, Revelation 1:5). Moreover, this group of Tribulation saints is unique in that they are given refreshment from hunger, thirst and the scorching of the sun and heat--because they experienced hunger, thirst and scorching as part of the wrath of God in the Tribulation (the seals of Revelation 6 & 8, the trumpets of Revelation 8, 9 & 11, and the bowls of wrath of Revelation 16)--unlike the believers constituting the church who have been promised and surely received protection from God's wrath as a consequence of the Rapture (see item 8, above). In short, this group of saints who died in the Tribulation does not include the Church--the Bride of Christ. Moreover, it could not be that the dead in Christ prior to the Tribulation are raised later (as if the gathering described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 were scheduled to happen later), because the dead in Christ in the Tribulation are already raised and in heaven--as John sees here--leading this moment of worship. In other words, it doesn't make sense that this group of saints, now leading worship in heaven, would have to return to the ground of the earth in order to be resurrected again as the dead in Christ who rise first in the 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 gathering. J. The Need for Special Gospel Proclaimers during the Great Tribulation Suggests that the Church Is Not Present to Spread the Gospel During the Tribulation. 27. The Presence/Need for 2 New, Special Groups of Gospel Proclaimers. There are 2 particularly unique groups of saints noted to be in the Tribulation, namely the 2 witnesses who prophesy and testify (Rev. 11:1-13) and the 144,000 sealed sons of Israel as the bond-servants of God (Rev. 7:1-8 and Rev. 14:1-5) (who are noted as protected from some of the judgments of God - Rev. 9:4); after the 144,000 are sealed, many people are seen in heaven as having come out of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 7:9-17)--suggesting that the sealed bond-servants were instrumental in evangelizing. The presence of these 2 special groups of saints who appear to have involvement in the spread of the gospel during the Tribulation prompts 2 related questions: "Why are these groups needed to proclaim the gospel during the period of the Great Tribulation, and where is the Church involved in helping them?" The absence of the church's involvement and the need for the presence of these new groups to spread the gospel is highly indicative of the fact that the Church as the Bride of Christ is gone. The Church had a different gospel, so new groups are needed to spread the new Gospel of the Tribulation. 28. The Presence/Need for Special Angel Gospel Proclaimers. In Revelation 14:6-7, prior to the pouring out of the bowls of the wrath of God (Rev. 16), an angel flies "in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, and he said with a loud voice, 'Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.'" This angel is followed by a second angel who announces the fall of Babylon (which presumably is the kingdom of the antichrist beast) (Revelation 14:8). The second angel is followed by yet a third angel, who announces the declaration of eternal judgment on those who receive the mark of the antichrist beast and worship his image, declaring: “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” (Revelation 14:9-11.) Again, we know that the church is charged with spreading the gospel to every nation (Matthew 28:19-20). Yet, we see in this instance that the gospel is spread not by the church, but by angels. The absence of the Church here, bearing responsibility for spreading the gospel, and the need for the work to be accomplished by angels strongly suggests that the Church is gone by this time in the Great Tribulation. Thus, there is substantial Scriptural support for the idea that the Church as the Bride of Christ will be raptured to heaven prior to the start of the time of the Great Tribulation. #rapture #pretribulation #jesus #revelation #apocalypse #john #seal #tribulation #harpazo #rapio #vulgate #greattribulation #prophecy

  • How Are People Saved Now--Before the Great Tribulation?

    Getting saved now is much easier than getting saved during the time of the Great Tribulation. Read below to see what is required of a person now. Background The Bible indicates that God causes us to exist (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17). However, all people have corrupted their existence by doing wrong things and failing to seek God (Psalm 14:1-3; Romans 3:10-12). In fact, near the foundation of the world, the wickedness of mankind had become so great in the earth that God “regretted that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart” (Genesis 6:5-6). “All flesh had corrupted their way on the earth” (Genesis 6:12). So God said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land,” because He said, “I am sorry that I have made them” (Genesis 6:7). Thereupon, except for saving one righteous man and his family (Genesis 6:8, 9-10; 7:1), one male and female of each animal (Genesis 6:19-20) and seven male and female pairs of certain clean animals and birds (Genesis 7:2-3), God destroyed every living thing with a flood (Genesis 6:17; 7:11-24). The Sacrifice System Thereafter, because God saw that “the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21) and “there is none who does good” (Psalm 53:3), and because of His mercies (Lamentations 3:22-23) and His desire to give people a chance to seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13), God implemented a system of sacrifices whereby the blood of animals would be shed to atone for the sins of people (Exodus 29-30; Leviticus 4-7). Jesus As Our Ultimate Sacrifice and Source of Salvation The sacrifice system instituted by God was a foreshadowing of His plan to offer His son, Jesus Christ, as a blood sacrifice for all of humanity (Hebrews 8:5; 9:11-14; 10:1). God planned for Jesus to become our sacrifice, because of His great love for us (John 3:16). In fact, having a God-given understanding of the mission of Jesus, John the Baptist, a famous preacher living during the time of Jesus, seeing Jesus coming towards him, announced to everyone, "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29). Thus, though innocent, Jesus was condemned to die by crucifixion, and he was nailed to a cross and died (Matthew 27:26-50; Mark 15:21-39; Luke 23:26-49; John 19:16-37). He was then buried (Matthew 27:57-66; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42). However, because He is God, Jesus was raised from the dead (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20). By His death, Jesus paid the penalty of our sin (Hebrews 9:26-28), and by His resurrection we will all be made alive eternally (1 Corinthians 15:20-22; Romans 4:24-25; Hebrews 7:24-25; John 14:19-20). Whoever believes in Jesus “will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9-10). Because of Jesus’ death, we have deliverance from future judgment and forgiveness of our sins (Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14). Thus, we are not saved by our good works, because none of us is righteous (Romans 3:10), and all of our righteous acts are nothing more than “filthy rags” in the sight of God (Isaiah 64:6); we are, instead, saved only by the grace of God through our faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), believing in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on the cross and resurrection (John 3:16; Romans 10:9-10) as a gift of God to us (Ephesians 2:8-9). For those who reject the gift of God, a terrible judgment awaits; instead of being destroyed by a flood, the faithless will be cast into an eternal lake of fire (John 12:47-49; Romans 2:5; Revelation 20:11-15; Hebrews 6:2). Therefore, now in this time before the Great Tribulation comes, all of humanity has a simple choice: either accept the salvation, forgiveness and eternal life that God offers by believing in what Jesus has done for us, or reject the gifts of God and reap the consequences of eternal condemnation. Accepting the Gift of Jesus Christ If you wish to accept the gift of God, just tell Him by saying a prayer to Him like this: “God, I recognize that I have done things that have corrupted my life, and I have not sought You. Although I am unable by myself to make myself right with You, I now understand that through Jesus Christ You have given me the opportunity to be saved. Right now, God, I declare that I believe in and accept the great sacrifice of Your Son and my Lord, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for my sin and rose from the dead to give me life. Thank you for the amazing gifts of forgiveness of my sin, deliverance from eternal judgment and eternal life that You have given to me through Jesus. Amen.” This is how we are saved now. If you have prayed this prayer to God, then welcome to the Kingdom of God. Next Steps for Those Who Believe in Jesus If you have prayed the above prayer to God, you should now take the next step of being baptized, which is a public demonstration of your decision to accept the gifts of Jesus (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:41, 8:12; Colossians 2:12; Galatians 3:27). You should also begin to study the Bible as the Word of God in order to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18), to connect with other believers (Hebrews 10:25), and to “let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). May God bless you as you grow in your knowledge of Him. Getting Saved During the Great Tribulation Unlike now, in order for a person to obtain salvation during the time of the Great Tribulation, a person must add to his or her belief in Jesus some very important works. If you are living prior to the Great Tribulation you don't need to concern yourself with these additional works. However, if you are living during the time of the Great Tribulation, such additional works are critical to your salvation. Find out more by reading our post about The Gospel of the Tribulation and our post Letter to the Saints of the Time of the Great Tribulation. #salvation #god #plan #jesus #believe #flood #sacrifice #blood #noah #saved #christian

  • Presentation 3 - What Is the Rapture?

    This presentation discusses the Rapture, where it is found in Scripture, what happens in the Rapture, some parallels in Scripture and the impact of the Rapture. After reviewing this presentation, please consider reviewing the following presentations, which explain the basis in Scripture for the idea that the Rapture will occur prior to the start of the devastating time of the Great Tribulation. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

  • Presentation 1 - Why Daniel 9:24-27 Is a Great Starting Point for the Study of Bible Prophecy

    Of all the many places to start a Bible Prophecy study, it might be useful to start with Daniel 9:24-27. This presentation explains why, and it is followed by a presentation that discusses the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy itself. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

  • Presentation 2 - Why Daniel 9:24-27 Is a Great Starting Point for the Study of Bible Prophecy

    Following up on the prior presentation regarding why Daniel 9:24-27 is a great starting point for the study of Bible prophecy, this presentation takes a look at the prophecy itself, which includes an already fulfilled prophecy plus a prophecy yet to be fulfilled and introduces us to the concept of a special 7-year covenant that is broken by the antichrist at the time of the Great Tribulation. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

  • Presentation 4 - 27 Scriptural Proofs for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    This presentation discusses ten concepts supporting a pre-Tribulation Rapture and begins the analysis of the 27 Scriptural proofs. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

  • Presentation 5 - 27 Scriptural Supports for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    This is the second in a series of presentations that discuss the Scriptural support for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. The presentation examines particularly the fact that God appears to have a plan for the Jews/Israel that is distinct from His plan for the Church/Gentiles, and it further appears that the plan for the Jews/Israel is suspended until the "fullness of the Gentiles comes in"--an event best explained by a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

  • Presentation 6 - 27 Scriptural Supports for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    This is the 3rd in a series regarding the Scriptural supports for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. In this presentation, we look at the existence of a plan of salvation for persons living during the time of the Great Tribulation that is different from the plan of salvation that applies to people living now--prior to the time of the Great Tribulation. The distinction in the two plans is best explained by a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

  • Presentation 7 - 27 Scriptural Supports for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    In this presentation, we consider the fact that during the time of the Great Tribulation two new seals are introduced--one for the 144,000 blameless bond servants from the 12 tribes of Israel, and a mark of the antichrist that seals those who receive it for eternal condemnation. Such seals are distinct from the seal that saints receive now--which is the Holy Spirit. The change in seals suggests that the Holy Spirit may no longer be sealing believers in the way that He does today--indicating the implementation of a new plan of God and the removal of the Church prior to the time of the Great Tribulation. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

  • Presentation 8 - 27 Scriptural Supports for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    In this presentation, we consider the existence of 2 prophetically described crop gatherings, which is indicative of 2 different plans of God for 2 different groups of saints; further, it is notable that the "King's crop" (also known as the "King's mowing") is taken up to the King before the arrival of the "spring crop," which experiences the devastation of the locust invasion (the Battle of Armageddon). The context suggests the Church as the Bride of Christ is taken to the King before the time of the Great Tribulation. Please click the image below to start the presentation.

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